Bailey or Jennifer?

I don't know about most of you guys, but I never, never, ever found Jennifer (Loni Anderson) the least bit attractive. I don't care for her Barbie Doll type face or body. I was always a Bailey fan. That cute, intellectual look with her glasses, always appealed to me even when I was a kid.

Give me Bailey anytime!



Bailey was really cute. Would choose her anyday over Jennifer.


I'm a straight girl but if I were a dude I'd say Bailey! Seriously Jennifer wore a wig much of the series (which is like wearing weaves/hair hats today) and was slathered in face paint (and I love makeup). I myself prefer to be understated.

But that (being understated) makes men approach you more from my experience. And can you imagine getting down with someone with a Hairhat, puh lease, it's like sleeping with a guy with a toupee yuck!


I agree with you 100%, I also never found Farrah Fawcett nor Pamela Anderson attractive. I was never was into blondes. In my humble opinion I think Salma Hayek is one of the most beautiful women in the world.


Everybody says Bailey, but hell, give Loni some love. That is one fine asssss looking woman. I think one small negative with her was that she sort of had what is referred to by some people as "helmet hair". Her hair was sort of weird and fake looking if that makes sense. Sometimes she would wear it up which looked good on her. But she was very attractive with an incredible body. I am sure Burt Reynolds loved taking her to bed every night.

So there.


Loni's hair and makeup were a product of the times----the late 70's and 80's. She's a lovely lady no matter what. Seems like someone with a heart of gold. Jennifer definitely had a good heart on the show.


Bailey every other day, and Jennifer every OTHER day. Sunday we rest and play nude Boggle in bed.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpZZssZZssZZss--" - Frank Grimes


Bailey, by far. However, I don't see the two as any sort of rivals the way Mary Ann and Ginger sort of were in Gilligan's Island (actually, they weren't, but it's more of a fan thing).

Jennifer is not the woman ordinary men marry. She specifically targets rich men, but not necessarily successful ones. She's supposed to be the kind of woman that is untouchable by mortal men; not that she's out of most guys' leagues, but that she has a mythological persona that is really not meant for most of us to have. She's a Queen without a Court, who's looking for a King.

Bailey is the woman most men would marry in a split second because that's the kind of woman you marry and grow old with.


Jennifer for a fling. Bailey for forever.


I do have to go with Bailey. Jennifer was a bit to generic in appearance. She was the typical blonde hair blue eyed type. Bailey carried her intellectual attractiveness with her. Some ladies really pull that off.


