Princess Leia's sellout of Dantooine
Was that wrong?
shareThat’s F’d up. After they made her what she was she totally dumped on them. Not cool!
shareI don't think she knew they were going to nuke the planet. I think her intention was to lead them to an old abandoned base.
shareNo, she knew alright what they were going to do:-
In a way, you have determined the choice of the planet that'll be destroyed first. Since you are reluctant to provide us with the location of the Rebel base, I have chosen to test this station's destructive power... on your home planet of Alderaan.
" Sometimes you've just got to roll the hard six. "
On the plus side, Jabba the Hutt and his family would have been wiped out so that Hans wouldn't be frozen in Carbonite in the next movie.
shareJabba was on Tatooine.
shareI don't get why you said that. I didn't say he wasn't. Oh wait, you were nitpicking the TC as well as me since he didn't spell Tatooine right and I didn't correct him either.
shareActually I wasn't. I thought they were two different planets. After Leia gave them the name, and the Death Star arrived, didn't the Imperialists comment that the planet had been vacated? Do I have this wrong?
shareNo. Tarken said that it was too desolute a planet for it to make a difference blowing it up. In other words not very many people living on it and also that it had too few resources that it wouldn't effect the rest of the galaxy economically if it was blown up.
shareSorry. My mistake.
shareIf I am understanding you correctly, no.
Tatooine and Dantooine are two separate planets. Tarkin said Dantooine was too remote to make an effective demonstration (said before he sent scouts and learned it was deserted).
No. You are wrong. But I am not going to discuss it further cause you are intent on being wrong. Also you didn't need to say the same thing twice and respond to 2 of my posts with the same thing.
shareI'll respond as I wish. And the issue is clear and supported by all reference material; scripts, books, reviews. You have become obsessed with a similarity of names and that's all. Do some research. Your obsession makes no sense based on simple listening as well as the actions and reactions of the characters in the film.
Debating whether Dantooine was inhabited by anyone other than the rebel base is odd, but can be justified by ambiguity of the dialogue. That they are two separate planets is unambiguous.
Okay, fanboys, make yourselves useful. Has Lucas or any official Canon writer ever stated wither Dantooine was inhabited?
Because if it wasn't, she at least buys time and hopes to save Alderaan, and too bad about Alderaan but at least she tried. And as it happened buying herself a little time was worth it, because someone was going to rescue her shortly.
The movie has Luke's Uncle Owen say to Luke, "You can waste time with your friends later." which pretty well answers that question.
shareAs far as I recall, The Empire investigated Dantooine and came back saying that it was a deserted rebel base. I don't remember them actually attacking the planet; did I miss something?
shareThey said they found a deserted rebel base. And the planet she is talking about is the one Luke, Aunt Beru, Uncle Owen, and Obi Wan were on at the beginning of the movie.
shareActually, she wasn't.
Owen's farm was on Tatooine.
The deserted base was on Dantooine.
Similar names, but different planets.
Yes... in reading the comments, I'm surprised how many people think that Tatooine (Luke's home planet, location of the Hutt's, etc.) and Dantooine were the same world and that Leia sold them out. They were, obviously, two different planets. Both remote, but separate worlds.
If we use a little common sense and what we can take from the movies, it is obvious that, not only are they different worlds, but the planet of Dantooine was uninhabited.
First off... if you want to build a secret base, you don't build it on a planet full of other intelligent inhabitants, especially one like Tatooine that had a place like Mos Eisley, full of hired hands and criminals who would sell out the Rebellion in a heartbeat. It would be impossible that, with all the Rebel traffic coming in and out of a base, even built out in the most remote region of Tatooine, someone wouldn't notice and report that to the Empire for a hefty reward. A secret base on Tatooine would have been secret for about an hour.
Second... the entire opening act of Star Wars takes place over and on Tatooine. Leia's ship is disabled and captured over Tatooine, which is how the droids got there after ejecting in the escape pod. Following that, there are imperial troops all over that planet (hence the scenes in Mos Eisley where Luke and Ben are avoiding any "imperial entanglements"). If Tatooine/Dantooine were the same planet, once Leia told Tarkin that the Rebel base was on Dantooine, Tarkin would have been like, "Yeah, we were just there and scanned that entire planet. Nice try, but, no." So, it's obvious that Dantooine is a completely separate planet from Tatooine. One that the Empire actually had to dispatch ships to in order to investigate Leia's claim.
Finally... as I said before, if you are going to build a secret base, you build it in a place where there are no intelligent inhabitants that will be able to sell you out to the Empire. The two, actual Rebel bases we know of were built on the remote, uninhabited worlds of Yavin 4 and the ice planet Hoth. No intelligent life forms to notice the sudden surge in space-faring traffic and sell you out to the Empire.
So, Leia knew what she was doing, and wasn't selling out a largely inhabited planet to protect her own. The fact that the Rebellion had a habit of building their bases on remote, uninhabited worlds that Tarkin found to be too remote to be a good demonstration is no fault of hers.
There is no Dantooone! Leia said Tatooine and because of her English accent it sounds like something else! You people are starting to annoy me!
shareActually, you are. She clearly said DANtooine. Every reference work to the films says they are different worlds. If it was on Tatooine, wouldn't the Empire already know if there was an active rebel base there? They were searching the place to find the droids, after all. Tarkin wouldn't have to send scouts to check it out if she said Tatooine.
share... on the remote, uninhabited worlds of Yavin