MovieChat Forums > Star Wars (1977) Discussion > Why Obiwan only had 2000 credits? he ha...

Why Obiwan only had 2000 credits? he had 20 years to make a fortune

20 years he should have made a fortune by then.

and yet he barely had 2000 credits to pay Han Solo to get him to Alderran.

that's pathetic.

what was he doing for 2 decades?

why wasn't he preparing for if and when his help might be needed?


Make a fortune how ? Whoring himself to sand people ? He didn't seem to have a job.

Now that I think about it, he had ZERO credits: Luke had to sell his pod to get those 2000.


How exactly do you make a fortune IN A DESERT CAVE?


well , he's got the robes , just get some blingy jewellry and become force assisted Fortune Teller


Offering cave tours 🙂


You can ask the same question of ANY religious people, Shao-Lin monks, or some indian Buddhists.

Obi-Wan wasn't a materialistic, capitalistic a-hole, he was a spiritual, sound human being that doesn't have the goal of becoming rich, but becoming balanced - and he does.


Exactly that.

in fact didnt they mention in the prequels you give al your possesions away or something?


They said in the movie he had been living as a hermit. Even in the real world hermits are not known for accumulating wealth.


You do realize that any time he wants, he can just walk up to any rich guy, wave his hand and say "you dont need your credits, give them to me", doing his force mind trick. He has what he needs to survive. Besides he was in hiding and didnt want attention drawn to him. Much money gives much attention. Also: Yoda didnt seem to be rich either. He too preferred a simple drawn back life.


Oh old Obi-Wan had plenty of money! He was just stingy, just like the princess!


Before you jump to any conclusions, lets see what happens in the upcoming Obi Wan series. Perhaps he gets robbed by the san people or Jawas? Maybe he lost money in betting pod races?


He spent it all on beer and hookers.
