MovieChat Forums > Star Wars (1977) Discussion > Which inconsistency in the entire saga b...

Which inconsistency in the entire saga bothers you the most?

For me it's obi wan totally not remembering R2D2/C3PO at all in TNH. I mean common!!


I'm not a real stickler for details, but I did notice that Uncle Owen looked about twenty at the end of the prequels, but was an old man by the time A New Hope happened, about twenty years later.


He evaporated the moisture out of himself.


Frankly for me it would be the stupid Jedis can't be married thing that basically ends up making it so that Leia and Luke shouldn't have existed. I hate that!


You're referring to the OT as opposed to the 100% lack of internal consistency in the ST?


In the original trilogy, I'm most bothered by Obi-Wan Kenobi's "different point of view" excuse - clearly written post-facto to explain this plot hole. It's a pretty weak explanation (and one reason I've never bought into George Lucas' rhetoric of his having planned the whole thing from the start).

The prequels make more inconsistencies/plot holes. There are too many. Lots bother me, but one of the biggest is that they split the twins up to ensure that Darth Vader can't find them. They give Leia to Bail Organa and she is hidden on Alderaan, given his name and thousands of light years of distance. Then they hide Luke by calling him Skywalker and sticking him on Vader's home planet...with Vader's only other living relatives... What...? Obi-wan also changes his name to "Ben", but ignores the "Kenobi" many things of this nature drive me mad and contribute to my dislike of the prequels.

Once you stack the new films on top... Whoo, boy! Where to start? Again. Dozens of inconsistencies bug me here, but for my biggest, I'm going to have to go with Luke Skywalker going from a can-do, optimistic, spiritual guru to a depressed hermit with no will to live ignoring the Force. Though a close second is the Republic being in charge of the galaxy for a few decades without noticing the First Order building a planet-sized superweapon about a solar system away. Ah, heck, I also really, really, really hate the inconsistency in Han's character. Scurvy but loyal, cares for Leia, Chewy, the Falcon...abandons Leia and loses the Falcon. Nope.


whats TNH?


Darth Vader being an absolute douche bag as a child , Leia remembering her mother , she literally met her mother for 1 minute after she was born


One that bothers the OT purists was about Anakin being a child when Obi-Wan first met him. It didn't bother me as much when I was first watching, and I'll explain why in a moment, but this one guy had a point in his opinion piece.

In ROTJ, when Obi-Wan's force ghost was talking to Luke, he said when he first met Anakin, he was the greatest star pilot in the galaxy. This context he was using does seem to suggest that Anakin would have been older, like in his teens or early 20s, and serving in some kind of space navy.

By the time "Phantom Menace" was being made, obviously Lucas decided to make the story more kid-friendly, and to be fair, it is the most kid-targeted of the Star Wars movies compared to the other 5 that he made. Part of that involved making Anakin a 9-year-old child when we first met him. However, Lucas got around this inconsistency by demonstrating that Anakin was unusually talented, due to his strong affinity with the force, and that he was very intelligent. Part of that talent involved piloting, though the only time you see him actually doing the "star pilot" thing, was during the battle for Naboo at the end, when he "accidentally" got stuck in a Naboo fighter and ended up, with very little effort, blowing up the Trade Federation ship that was controlling all the droid armies.


"In ROTJ, when Obi-Wan's force ghost was talking to Luke, he said when he first met Anakin, he was the greatest star pilot in the galaxy. This context he was using does seem to suggest that Anakin would have been older, like in his teens or early 20s, and serving in some kind of space navy."

You're conflating two different scenes from two different movies. The, "He was the best star pilot in the galaxy," line comes from Star Wars, and it isn't accompanied by the, "When I first knew him," part.

The "When I first knew him," line comes from RotJ, and it's followed by, "your father was already a great pilot."

Anakin in TPM could have been considered a "great pilot," (which isn't as high of a bar, nor as specific, as "the best star pilot in the galaxy") considering he was the only human that could pod race, and partway through the movie, he became the first human to win a pod race. Since those "pods" are aerial crafts, the operator of one would be considered a pilot.

Regardless of that, TPM would have been a lot better had Anakin been in his late teens or early twenties, and had been played by a good actor (i.e., not someone like Christian Haydensen).
