Most disturbing scene?
For me, the most disturbing scene would be the shopping mall scene when, in an attempt to gun down the one rabid lunatic, the police officer's stray bullet
hits the man dressed as Santa right in front of the kids. David Cronenberg even said on the commentary, that scene is for eveyone whose ever hated the commercialization of holidays.
In that same scene, I think I may have found a goof: The police officer yells at the rabid "Stop or I'll shoot!" What makes him think that a bloodthirsty ghoul is going to listen to the law? The only thing it's probably thinking is "Me hungry! Me want human blood!"
But, other than that nitpick, it was a pretty messed up film. It's another film I saw on Saturday Nightmares On the USA Network. I miss that program and I wish they would bring it back.
"Meet me at the waterfront,after the social."--Angela Baker,Sleepaway Camp.