No jiggle tv today

You could not make this show today, with nipples poking out and natural boobs bouncing all over the place the way God intended... we've fallen a long way. Everyone is way too uptight and serious now.


The people against that went as far to put chemicals into the public to physically get rid of big old boobs.


Then KFC came along :)


Replaced by porn on tap.

If society was denied instant porn access, the jiggle would popular demand.


Heterosexuality is being removed from our culture.


I've seen lot of flesh and questionable outfits in today's tv shows. I think the difference is the women in shows today are scrawny and short, back then they were women and I think that made everything seem more erotic.


Jennifer Aniston is showing some nice nipples on Friends over the years. Maybe not as bouncy.


A fair point.



Well played, Ripkens!




Good lord, was it someone's job to tweak them before each shot?


If it was I'm sure they had a really difficult time finding someone to perform that task


The union is not going to let that job go to just anybody.


I agree. Look what happened to Hoffa.


There was a whole company around this time that sold fake nipples to poke thru shirts like this. It was a whole trend. I always just assumed on the show they were using something like this.



She really was, especially in the season where she cut her hair into the little pixie cut and started wearing tight designer jeans that showed off her ass, and really tight shirts that showed off her tits more and started wearing more beauty makeup with the black eyeshadow.

In the early seasons she wasn't though, she went around with no makeup, she wore hippie clothes, bellbottoms with patches, and she had that poofy curly hair, she just didn't have a good look. But boy when Furley first showed up she changed her entire look around and became a bombshell, cut her hair short and sexy, her entire wardrobe was all skin tight clothes that showed every curve, and her makeup was perfect.

This was always one of my favorite outfits of her from that time


IMO, Chrissy was slightly more attractive than Janet (although she kinda has a fish face). I guess a lot comes down to whether or not you like the "short n' sassy" haircut Janet sports. Me personally....I'm not a big fan of "short n' sassy" on women. I mean....why do most women do this after around age 35-40?? They go from the long, sexy, cascading hair they know we love (and had when we were dating)....and then, once they have us locked-in with marriage....they go and get it all cut short. They try to justify it, and make it seem ok, by tusselling it up and making it sassy.....but sassy don't cut it! Sassy is nowhere near as good as....long and CASCADING!

Sorry, sorry. Went off on a tangent. Ultimately let's face it, Janet had the hairstyle of Ron Wood and also....had short legs.
I'd go with Lana before I hung a shower curtain with Janet.


I've been a stone cold Janet fan from the beginning. Watched that show religiously.


Yeah she is for sure and has a better body as well. I think Chrissy just had the right look for the era. Janet reminded me of Joan Jett as well who was also hot back then.


For a while when the Colbert show showed remote shots of the band members playing the opening theme during Covid, their female bass player had this brief clip where her decolletage seemed to be heaving/bouncing with the beat. I wondered whether it was intentional titillation, it looked that overt.


You lost literally everyone with “décolletage”. You may want to edit and take another shot.


What's wrong with using the word Decolletage? It means a low cut top on a female.


I’m pretty sure nobody has used that word, ever. Are you from Europe?


No, just am American who prides himself on knowing Words.
I thought this was a common thing when I was young, but now I realize people don't value Learning and Multi-Cultural experience. I'm a stranger in a strange land.


Ask 50 people on the street if they know what “décolletage” means. If you find even ONE who is familiar with the word, they will probably say: “Why didn’t you just say “sexy blouse” instead of a pompous word like that?” LOL


What is your point? We need to dumb down to reach people?
I've always had better expectations, but if you feel you need to low-ball to get the message across, that might say something about your message.


It's utter nonsense. Trying to police your language. Give me a break.


No longer will we condone the word Decolletage here on MC.
It's subversive and elitist. We need more plain spoken folk ... er, foke (that L in there doesn't make any sense). Let's all be normal and boring and conform. That's how we progress as a culture !

And all this on a Three's Company board. Tbh, I'm embarrassed, but I go off on tangents, so pardon me.


If the boobs, er, uh, rubes, can't appreciate a good decolletage, I'd say they certainly aren't ready to appreciate Three's Company!


Always liked the word myself.

I don't watch Colbert, is there a link to this decolletage with rhythm?


Relax, I’m just bustin your chops bro, LOL.


I know what it means. I'm not American though.


"Ask 50 people on the street if they know what “décolletage” means..."

The logic being that if forty-nine out of fifty people on the street don't know a word, our writing needs to be dumbed down. Sounds like somebody had a descriptivist education at a post-1970 public school in the U.S.

If only one out of fifty people know that word, that means I'm in the 98th percentile of literacy.

(Sorry about using big words like "descriptivist" and "percentile". Just ask a grownup where the library is, go there, and ask to see a "dictionary".)



I don’t know what that fancy word means either cuz I never went to de college.


There is plenty of Lizzo videos to see jiggle in if you want that.




eeeew. Man have standards fallen.




Disgusting, what a PIG!


Glad to see she found a career after retiring from Hungry Hungry Hippos.
