massively overrated

This movie is mediocre at best, and that's if I am being generous. It is so full of complete stupidity you may want to scream at the screen. The wife is such a stupid cow you long for her death...Honestly, who would really take moral issue with dispatching these morally reprehensible little *****. The movie could have been much better if about 100 more of these grinning ***** got slaughtered. Overall this movie is no "masterpiece" that it's touted to be. It is only remotely effective because it is so easy to hate the kids...



I loathed those little dirtbags, too. Killing for self-defense is perfectly right.


I'd have distracted the kids by throwing the wife at them, see how much she'll defend them then. The amount of times she says something stupid (which is every time she speaks) would make for a great drinking game. Least the kids weren't annoying.

That said I did enjoy it, just felt it could be better.


Wrong. This is one of the best 70's antiwar horror/thriller films from the 70's. Definitely worthy of its cult-classic status.
