How did U discover the film

i found out about the film through my flatmate...she has watched it since a child with her sister when they were ill and she introduced me to it.

wondered how everyone else found out about it/ came across it

She walks in beauty like the night,
of cloudless climes and starry skies


It came on Vault Disney late one night and I loved it. Anyone remember Vault Disney?

I actually wikipedia-d "Cinderella" so I could find out the title since it had been so long since I'd seen it.


I saw it in the UK when it first came out.


My mother remembered seeing it and recognized what it was when it came on tv. So, she called my older sister and me into the room and told she thought we'd like it. Boy did we!!! A couple years later, it came on the Disney channel at an obscene time of night, so we set the VCR to tape it. Later some friends who were missionaries to England were visiting the states on furlough, and their kids saw that we had it and wanted to watch it. They had a fit because so much had been cut out. Just a few years ago, I ran across the DVD at a Best Buy store(you can order it online for $8.99 + $1.99 shipping)and bought it. Thankfully, it was the uncut version, so I was finally able to see the whole thing. After that, I could understand why my friends had been so disgusted. That time it came on Disney, several whole scenes, half of one musical number and one entire musical number had been left out. It's amazing they managed to make a film that looked so opulent on such a shoe-string budget. Very impressive! And, doesn't everyone need to know how to fold a sheet that way? LOL I loved Position and Positioning and the scene with the singing and dancing in the mausoleum. And I know someone who has the exact personality of the fairy godmother. Way too much fun! The prince's man at arms is such a cool character, too, with his own romantic problems. I really liked that the story was told more from the prince's point of view than normal, and John's substory made the prince a much more likeable fellow. The king is hysterical as well. Okay, I'll shut up now. It's too easy to go on and on about this great film!


Sounds like you saw the US theatrical release, the version I originally saw.


its just one of those movies that our parents had on video recorded off the telly that my sisters and i would watch regularly. i think it is absolutely enchanting and no matter how may times i watch it i always love it

bloody torchwood


My Aunty Alice used to take me and my cousins to the cinema when we were on family holidays in Morecambe - in the days of double features. I rememeber we arrived after the film had started - and in those days when the film ended you could just stay in your seats and watch it again when the next sceening started! Happy memories! Recorded it off channel five and have now just got round to watching it - haven't seen it in over 20 years! It stands up well.


Was on the telly one Christmas back in the 90's was hooked ever since own the tie in book the DVD and the soundtrack just a tad obsessed i guess.


Not at all! If you're obsessed, I'm pretty much dead... I own both versions of the dvd (simply to own both versions), the vhs, and the book. I plan on ordering the posters as soon as I get the money, as well as the carriage (when it's back up on e-bay), as well as having created the fan website.


I saw it first at Radio City in New York. Those were the days when, in addition to the stage show, they also showed a movie. Yes, I know...prehistoric times! I was there for the weekend with some friends and family. We all loved the movie. I had the soundtrack album (vinyl) and wore that thing smooth listening to it and singing along to it. I finally have a DVD copy of it. I had forgotten that the delightful Annette Crosbie played the Fairy Godmother. And, of course, Richard Chamberlain was perfect as the Prince. The whole cast was good...with Dame Edith Evans a real hoot as the Dowager Queen.



WOAH!!! You feaking went to the release?! HOW COOL!!! *is EXTREMLY JEALOUS!*


I found the dvd in a charity shop. I'm looking on the internet to find a new copy of the film. I'm loving this movie!

Where there is hope, there is light that always shines


I do recall when it was released in the theaters in the U.S. in 1976. It was the Easter show for Radio City Music Hall. I didn’t see it then, but I remember the newspaper ad. Then in 1982, it was shown on U.S. television for the first time, and that’s when I looked at it. Of course, it was the shortened version (and probably shortened even more for TV). Then I didn’t see it again until the Disney Channel showed it in 1997 or so, and then it was (FINALLY!) released on dvd in 2001. Beautiful movie!

"Cut the ballet. It stinks anyway"


Bless my Auntie Vie, she took me to see this at Radio City Music Hall when I was about 9 0r 10. I immediately fell in love with Richard Chamberlin (I know I know!)
Love love love this movie. I like watching it alone, haven't found someone special enough to watch it with (cept my Mom)

Now if I could find the soundtrack on CD!!! That went out of print and I am KICKING myself for not getting it a few months back.


Holy smoke! What are they doing to us? They take away the dvd, and now the cd?

I'm sure there are used copies, but they may be an arm and a leg!

"Samantha! You picked a lemon in the garden of love!"


I collect Cinderella movies and found it on a list on Amazon.


I first saw it on broadcast TV when I was a child - just channel surfing on a Saturday or Sunday morning and saw Richard and stopped. Didn't see it again for YEARS and then one day there it was again! I now own the unabridged version on DVD and have almost worn the darn thing out because I love it so much!


The first time I watched it, I was a kid and stayed at home because I was sick. Then I didn't see it again until I was at uni. and I saw the unabridged dvd at sale.


I just found out about it on youtube. I clicked the recommended video "Rock Cinderella Rock", thought it to be lame, so I played another. I chose The Slipper & the Rose from d related videos area. I have only seen a part of it; but so far, I like the costumes/props, setting, & of course Richard Chamberlain. Ill probably watch this. Hopefully I could find d full-length, continuous, clearer copy of it.



My older sister and cousin were completely OBSESSED with this film pretty much since birth (Both born in 77) and had a VHS copy that pretty much lived in the VCR for them to come home and watch practically every single day after school. They loved it to much that their bridesmaid dresses for when my mum got married in 83 (a year before I was born, they were 6 and 7ish then) were perfect little replicas made by my nan but in cream instead of pink (my mum thought pink would look tacky) they wore these with flower garlands and home made buquets and draw string purses to carry things in. They'd then wear those dresses every single day while watching the movie. Eventually when they were too big, the dresses were passed down to my sister and me for playing dress up but they were pretty much wrecked from being worn so much.

I pretty much grew up with it because my sister would still be watching it at least once a week throughout my entire childhood and eventually I was watching it almost every single day and had my mum buy old bridemaid dresses from car boot sales (never been a bridesmaid myself) for me to wear while I watched it. My favourite was a peach coloured dress very similar to the ones my older sister and cousin had.

The only times they didn't watch the film every single day was on the two occasions when the VCR player was stolen from the house with the tape STILL inside (what with it practically living there!) and had to wait until Christmas for it to be on television and record it again (we weren't really well off so my mum couldn't afford to buy the tape)

I've eventually passed the movie on to my nieces in DVD form. I don't think they really get the magic and are more interested in Dora the Exporer and aren't so much in to pretty dresses (the youngest wants to be a cowboy and the oldest just likes to read all the time) I've since taken my copy of the DVD back so they can't wreck it!


Does anyone happen to have the soundtraxk. If you do please pm me


Richard Chamberlain was a guest on the Merv Griffin Show. The Slipper and the Rose was soon to be released and he was promoting it. I could hardly wait for its American Release. This was in Virginia. The first cable showings of it were on HBO when it was very new.

I have the soundtrack on vinyl. I bought it the same day I got the two record original Star Wars soundtrack.


Do you think you could email me the songs.

