How did U discover the film

i found out about the film through my flatmate...she has watched it since a child with her sister when they were ill and she introduced me to it.

wondered how everyone else found out about it/ came across it

She walks in beauty like the night,
of cloudless climes and starry skies


my mum recorded it off tv for me at least 8 or 9 years ago, and because it wasn't animated (im only 17), i wasn't interested and was quite baffled as to why my mother would get the idea i would watch this soppy rubbish!!..after a few years i luked back at it out of curiosity and absolutely adored it, and still do!...thanx mum!! haha.

lou xx


i grew up watching it my parents recorded it off the tv its sort of a family tradition to watch it.


I heard about it when it played the Radio City Music Hall in New York-(I live in Calif) and when it went into (limited) release the following year, I managed to see it at least eight times. Great Movie!


My Mum introduced me to the film years ago when it was showing on TV and I've loved it ever since!



I was the manager of the Odeon Fairlawn newly-twinned cinemas in Toronto and this film opened in the larger auditorium. I never missed an opportunity to hear Gemma sing ONCE I WAS LOVED...immensely touching performance and photography !


I'm watching it too! I first saw it on television when I was very young and loved it so much I taped it next time it was on and wore the tape out replaying it! Plus Richard Chamberlin - Hot or what?!! He's wasted on the homo's!! I still know all the words to all the songs and love to sing along! Good job my finacee's not home - he'd be laughing at me!

Glad to know there are others who adore this treasure of a film like me!

Buffy:I don't suppose this is about happy squirrels?
Buffy:That was my next guess


I love this film too, I discovered it a year or two ago when it was on TV, I was channel hopping and saw it start and ended up watching it all. Waited for it to come on again but it didn't for ages then a few months ago it was the free DVD in a newspaper so I bought it. I'm only 17 too, (only just though – I turn 18 on the 16th) my mum couldn't understand why I like it at first - but I’ve always liked the slightly less known, but nevertheless, great films. The second time I saw it was several months after the first but I still remembered all the words! My mum was amazed but I think that these songs are just so good you couldn't forget them (of course, it could just me and my strange memory!).

I hope those of you watching it for the first time right now love it as much as the rest of us did!

"Manuel will show you to your rooms - if your lucky"


I watched it a couple of minutes ago and i loved it Cinderellas voice was so beautiful - i want this on DVD


we had it on a video since i was a kid and my sister because she loved richard chamberlain even though my mum told her he was gay she was adament she would grow up to marry him. that's how i discovered it

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


I actually saw it at the movie theater when it came out in Southern California.. I was about 8? then. I am 37 and just love it. I remember when I was in high school, and it would come on the Disney Channel, I would ask my mom to tape it for me, it would come on at 2-3 in the morning. Now I have my very own VHS copy that I had bought off of Ebay. I just love the music, Richard Chamberlin, and when The Fairy Godmother did all her chores for her. I'll have to watch it Very Soon!



cinderella marathon on Disney. I was a little older. Maybe 10. And I was hooked.


I grew up with the film. I adored it and still do now. It was recently given away free on DVD through a national paper. Needless to say I had to buy that particular paper that day.

I tried to get my step daughter into it but she is a rather cyncical 13 year old who is far more into horrors! One day I am sure she will appreciate the beauty of the film though.


Oh my goodness, I am surprised that there is such a following for this obscure film.

I saw it as a child on the original "G" channel (the first and only cable TV movie station) in Sunnyvale, California. The G channel showed the Slipper and the Rose at specified times on their printed schedule. I was captivated by this musical (esp the costumes) and caught all 4 broadcasts of it somehow. And then, it disappeared from my life (I thought forever).

Theatrical releases usually did not come back. Videotape and VCRs were just starting to come out to the masses, but were still rare and fabulously expensive. Generally, the only way to re-see a movie back then was if they happened to show it on broadcast TV and you'd have to be lucky to catch it.

Years later, I inquired about The Slipper and the Rose. I described it as a musical of the Cinderella story, starring Richard Chamberlin. Store clerks looked at me like I was nuts. I was starting to think I imagined it.

I don't know if it ever came out on VHS, but I finally obtained my DVD copy of it a few years ago. It was as good as I remember it. I was particularly impressed with the musical number when Chamberlin's companion-at-arms is explaining the roles of the different classes, like in the kitchen. Fantastic dancers! and Chamberlin had a great voice.


Ever since i can remember i have watched it. I know i definately watched it way before my aunties wedding, which happened when i was about 6 which was 11 and a half years ago because it was my favourite film at the time. I can't watch it anymore cause my video player broke. :(


My mum saw it when she was a teenager n sat me down to watch on tv when i was wee and i liked it. i rediscovered it a few years ago and its now one of my all time favourite movies. how can u not fall in love with it? Especially "when he/she danced with me"!

its funny how nearly everyone here has more or less said the same thing - theyre mums found introduced them lol


My mom introduced me to it too! I have been in love with the movie ever since I was a little girl. I remember we used to have an old scraggly VHS copy we taped off of the TV. This movie is definitely one of my top favorites.


my mum also introduced it to me! it was on the bbc about 15 years ago and my nana had recorded it. i was obsessed with it at one point to which i annoyed my brothers....alot! :D awesome film


I am a huge fan of Richard Chamberlain and went to see it upon its first release in the USA. Loved it. When, years and years later, I finally purchased a large screen home television system, it was the first DVD I played in its entirety. (My tradition, when changing dwellings, is to always watch THE SOUND OF MUSIC first but, since this was not a change of domicile but a change of viewing venue, I played the opening sequence of THE SOUND OF MUSIC and then popped in THE SLIPPER AND THE ROSE).

I also met Richard Chamberlain around the time of the film's release. He was perfectly cast as he was, indeed, both princely and charming.

"Thank you, thank you--you're most kind. In fact you're every kind."


Totally randomly on youtube while searching for something else.

I'm not psycho, just a little loopy.
