MovieChat Forums > Murder by Death (1976) Discussion > Lines you're just WAITING to use in real...

Lines you're just WAITING to use in real life

I started the same thread on the Clue board so thought (as most Clue fans are also Muder by Death fans too!) i'd do it here too!

While I think Clue is more quotable than MBD, there are still some fantastic lines that I an just WAITING for an opportunity to use.

Such as.....

If someone is droning on to me about something

"Conversation like television set on honeymoon, Unneccesary!"

Saying to someone randomly..

"Did you see that?"
They say "No"
I reply "Neither did I"

Someone says to me

"How odd."
I say "Bensonmum."

I've actually done that and had some VERY blank looks!

Any more....

"I'm almost annoyed!"


"You know you shouldn't speak with an accent when you know I am so hungry."
"Okay, we'll work in look over the first dead naked body that we find, and I'll look over the next one."
"I have taken the liberty of putting you in the same wing as Mr. Wang.
Isn't that nice darling, we're in Wang's wing."
"This entire murder has been catered."
"My chauffeur was hit by a falling gargoyle while standing in Chinese footprints."


This is one of my favorite movies; better than Clue IMO. Also check out The Cheap Detective for more of Peter Falk's excellent Bogart shtick.

I've occasionally used this one on my son:

"Questions like Athelete's Foot. After while very irritating."


"Sorry if im shocking you ma'am but i didnt have a chance to go to finishing school, my schools the streets and looking down the barrel of a pointed revolver thats my teacher"

Must admit i have tried to shoe horn that quote in many convo's followed by very slow nods and strange looks :)

And of course the classic from dotty old bird Estelle Winwood
"Jesus H Christ"

Use that one all the time.


How could I have forgotten this one?

Never's not a bullet hole...

Amazing how often you can work that one in...


I'd love to be able to use "You look more like number 2 to me" ... but if I ever had the opportunity I'm sure it would get me smacked across the face.


My dad got me w/ one line from this movie. When he told me to clean up after the dog.

Me: Why do I always have to do the dirty work?
Him: Because your mother isn't around.


Lines I've actually used a lot in real life:

"Jesus H. Christ!"
"Oh that's tacky...that's reeeeally tacky"
"Getting to bottom of things?"
"Well, I'm old, I can't help it..."

But the one I used to use most often, in broad English accent, "I'm not one to use hyperbole ladies and gentlemen, but I tell you, this whole thing has scared the caca right out of me" (actually I think that's not quite right, I haven't seen the movie in awhile, ha ha)

Nilbog! It's goblin spelled backwards! This is their kingdom!


I would love to use the line "Let's face it as a man your barely passible but as a woman your a dog!" but I think that could get me seriously hurt. I do like Maggie Smith's "tacky" line, I am always trying to say it like she dose.


I use "sicky-poo" all the time. It's a fun reference to those who get it. And the rest think I'm just being cute.


I've used that line--a few times! It's not nice tho --I've used it behind someone's back, ex: "Let's face it, as a man she's barely passable..." etc.

Nilbog! It's goblin spelled backwards! This is their kingdom!


There is nothing in my dish but my dish.


And I'm serving my guests hot nothing ha ha ha--I actually HAVE used that one before...

Nilbog! It's goblin spelled backwards! This is their kingdom!


I've used both the following quotes plenty of times.

"Jesus H. Christ!"
"Oh that's tacky...that's really tacky"

You know your name better than I do. YAY!


"You know, I like her, I really like her" always made me laugh cuz it was so random from Maggie Smith, but so appropriate for the moment lol.


I hate to think what set of circumstances I'd have to be in to use this, but my favourite would be:

"There's a bullet-hole in your back!"

"You should see the other guy."

MBD & Clue = Absolute joy :)


I cannot believe no one's mentioned this one yet:

"EVERYBODY FREEZE!!!!! I gotta go to the can again, and I don't wanna miss nothin'!"
