"You know you shouldn't speak with an accent when you know I am so hungry." "Okay, we'll work in shifts...you look over the first dead naked body that we find, and I'll look over the next one." "I have taken the liberty of putting you in the same wing as Mr. Wang. Isn't that nice darling, we're in Wang's wing." "This entire murder has been catered." "My chauffeur was hit by a falling gargoyle while standing in Chinese footprints."
"Sorry if im shocking you ma'am but i didnt have a chance to go to finishing school, my schools the streets and looking down the barrel of a pointed revolver thats my teacher"
Must admit i have tried to shoe horn that quote in many convo's followed by very slow nods and strange looks :)
And of course the classic from dotty old bird Estelle Winwood "Jesus H Christ"
"Jesus H. Christ!" "Oh that's tacky...that's reeeeally tacky" "Getting to bottom of things?" "Well, I'm old, I can't help it..."
But the one I used to use most often, in broad English accent, "I'm not one to use hyperbole ladies and gentlemen, but I tell you, this whole thing has scared the caca right out of me" (actually I think that's not quite right, I haven't seen the movie in awhile, ha ha)
Nilbog! It's goblin spelled backwards! This is their kingdom!
I would love to use the line "Let's face it as a man your barely passible but as a woman your a dog!" but I think that could get me seriously hurt. I do like Maggie Smith's "tacky" line, I am always trying to say it like she dose.