MovieChat Forums > Murder by Death (1976) Discussion > Lines you're just WAITING to use in real...

Lines you're just WAITING to use in real life

I started the same thread on the Clue board so thought (as most Clue fans are also Muder by Death fans too!) i'd do it here too!

While I think Clue is more quotable than MBD, there are still some fantastic lines that I an just WAITING for an opportunity to use.

Such as.....

If someone is droning on to me about something

"Conversation like television set on honeymoon, Unneccesary!"

Saying to someone randomly..

"Did you see that?"
They say "No"
I reply "Neither did I"

Someone says to me

"How odd."
I say "Bensonmum."

I've actually done that and had some VERY blank looks!

Any more....

"I'm almost annoyed!"


Not seen it in ages, but I always loved...

"Room full of empty people"

oh yes, and,

"Not N'est-ce pas, cocoa"


"That can only mean one thing.... and I don't know what it is."


"Conversation like television set on honeymoon -not necessary."

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
-Carl Sagan


I would love to be in a situation that I could say "look up there, voice come from cow on wall."

I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum


I use Maggie Smith`s line "we`ll talk, we`ll see!" all the time.

Dorothy stop that, Mr. Ha Ha`s lookin at you!!



No doubt for the same reason I do. It's a test to see who else has not only seen the movie, but likes it enough to remember the lines you do. Like a secret handshake that tests to see who else is in the club.

My group of friends, which are mostly people with similar senses of humor, don't even need to make jokes anymore in funny everyday situations that come up when we're together; we've made all of the jokes already previously. We just drop a line like, "Oh, you give me the glass with the sticky stem, eh?" (to use your example), jokingly implying we think they might have poisoned it.

Monty Python references are perfect for this. If I say, "'s just a flesh wound." the initiated know that I'm referring to a pretty bad injury. Sort of comedic snobbery really. "If you don't get the reference then we're just on two different wavelengths."

My whole social interaction vocabulary is a series of "in jokes." Kind of sad really, I suppose....



My brother & I do the, "Did you see that?" line all the time.


Some lines just aren't PC pretty much most racial jibes at Peter Sellers character.

I quite like "Say your god damn pronouns". As a teacher I always wanted to say that.


How about Wang's response to, I believe, one of Dick Charleston's ideas on the whole situation.

I'm not exactly sure, but it goes something like this;

Wang: "Interesting theory, Charleston, but one problem."

Charleston: "What's the problem?"

Wang: "Is stupid. Is stupidest idea ever!"

Classic line; like I said, not exactly as the movie, but me and my kids use Wang's hilarious response as often as possible!


Oh my gosh, I just realised the correct response to "How odd" is "my father sir!" not "bensonmum"

How could I get that wrong, I hang my head in shame?!

"I'm almost annoyed!"


Watch the film with subtitles on and you can pick up a lot. When I watched this growing up I found it funny but now as a adult it is that much more enjoyable...cause now I can get a lot of the comedic devices used in the film.


I want to be able to answer a question with, "Maybe some deranged dry cleaner?"

Sometimes when someone in my family needs to go to the bathroom, he or she says, "I’m going down the hall to find the can. I talk so much sometimes I forget to go."

And last night while watching Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid, my dad asked, "You know how to whistle, don't you?" So I replied, "Sure, what do you mean?" And my brother finished with, "Nevermind. Forget it. You ruined it."

I love my family, you guys.


I love the fact that fellow fans of films such as MBD and Clue nearly always have the same taste in other films. Dead Men dont wear plaid is another of my favourites but when I mention it to other people all I get is blank looks.

You're lucky to have a family with that same (fantastic :-) ) taste in films, mine have perfected the eye rolling withering look everytime I enthusiastically quote Clue, MBD etc!

"I'm almost annoyed!"


Thanks! They are pretty awesome. My family, and the movies too. Quoting is a way of life that we have all enthusiastically adopted.


I love quoting Maggie Smith "oh, that's tacky!"...I love that line.


That's my favourite line too!
"Oh that's tacky, that's really tacky." Said in just the right tone. Me and my friend have started using this one.
