MovieChat Forums > Family Feud (1976) Discussion > Can we officially say Steve Harvey is th...

Can we officially say Steve Harvey is the worst host?

Maybe not just in Family Feud, but in all game shows. This guy is AWFUL and should just stick to acting.

No this is not a race thing, but I'm sorry, he is not funny, he is boring and not entertaining at all.


I really don't think I can watch this anymore, I'll stick to Family Feud on GSN instead.


27 yrs old, been watching since ~ 90 with Combs and I think Harvey is the second best.

1 - Dawson
2 - Harvey
3 - Combs
4 - J Peterman
5 - Al Borland
6 - Louie Anderson


I've just been watching Family Feud again recently on GSN while I have satellite for the week and I can safely say that Steve Harvey is the funniest Family Feud host!! My boyfriend agrees. I've never heard of this guy before. I like him so much better than the other hosts.


TC is crazy. Steve is one of the best hosts. I wasn't even a fan of Steve Harvey before he did Family Feud... but he's hilarious on this show.
We finally have a host that speaks what's in our minds when people say stupid answers.

"Where'd you get the beauty scar tough guy? Eatin' pineapple?"


I made this topic nearly 2 years ago when Steve first became the host. Someone responded, and they were right, to maybe give it some time. If you ever saw the very beginning when Steve became host, he looked bored out of his mind as if he didn't even want to be there.

And I corrected myself a couple of posts above, he certainly did get better as it went along.


I agree 100%. It's uncomfortable when he stops the flow to act offended or try to be funny. He's horrible.


After watching several episodes of him hosting, I have to say his "give a blank stare at dumb answers and spend two minutes making fun of the contestants" shtick has gotten old. I think to myself, "Just get on with the damn question."

Son, you got a panty on your head.


Just once, I'd like to hear "Family Feud" host Steve Harvey come out at the start of the show and say: "We've got a REAL bad one (or show) today for you on the Feud!"

And, do you believe that they actually get medical doctors to appear as contestants on this show? One week, they had a podiatrist and an OB/GYN on the show. (And BOTH doctors wore those extremely loud and garish men's dress shirts of either bright red or deep purple. Yeah, as if you'd really "want" to be a patient of EITHER of these two guys/clowns!!!)
