MovieChat Forums > Family Feud (1976) Discussion > Can we officially say Steve Harvey is th...

Can we officially say Steve Harvey is the worst host?

Maybe not just in Family Feud, but in all game shows. This guy is AWFUL and should just stick to acting.

No this is not a race thing, but I'm sorry, he is not funny, he is boring and not entertaining at all.


I really don't think I can watch this anymore, I'll stick to Family Feud on GSN instead.


i didn't know til today that he was host when i caught the last 10 mins. usually they air back to back eps, but they only show one now.

i say at least give him time. i'm not sure how many eps they record a day, but if you've only seen a handful of episodes it may have all been his first day.

i never saw it, but apparently john, the last host, was afraid of the buzzer and would flinch at first.


No, I don't have to give it time. He's terrible...I was hoping he was just a replacement for John O'Hurley. They seriously think this guy is better??? I had no idea who he is until i read the name here.

Anyone know why the made this switch in the first place

I guess it's like looking at clouds. You see one thing and I see another. Peace.


Anyone know why the made this switch in the first place

O'Hurley has an engagement elsewhere, believe it is a Broadway show.

If mothers ruled the world, there would be no god damn wars in the first place-Sally Field


HATERRSSSSS!!!! he is extremely funny!! the only reason i tune in every day



I totally disagree with the OP. I think Steve is refreshingly hilarious. What a wonderful departure from dry and boring John O'Hurley. My favorite thing about Steve is that he'll tell the contestants when they give a dumb answer. He cracks me up.

Shoot for the moon, and if you miss you are still amongst the stars



The only people who more than likely enjoy Steve Harvey are the people who've been following his career. The black community gets a kick out of him. Have you listened to his radio show? Oh my gosh...hilarious! Have you seen his standup routines? Absolutely, double hilarious. I think it is just the game show and the writing. I don't think these hosts get to ad lib what they want to say most of the time.

My favorite hosts of Family Feud:

First place: Louis Anderson

Second place: Ray Combs(RIP)


I'm not familiar with his career or his "schtick", but the impression I got from watching an entire episode today is that he seemed realllly pissed off. Just in general, and with the families, and the show. And it's not like the families were really stupid either today. He seemed like he was trying to rush everything along except when he took like 30 seconds to mock a dude who didn't have an answer.

Is he always this way on the show or did I catch abad episode? If so, then the producers need to move on to someone else and fast. I mean, I'm as far as a fan of Richard Karn on game shows as you can get, but I'd bring him back at this point because at least he wanted to be there.

This is terrrrrrrible...this is terrible.....


Steve obviously signed up because he wanted to be there. He does not need the money and the country knows who Steve Harvey is. He really does not have to make a name for himself. The show probably is not what he expected though.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


I think in the first episodes he seemed a little out of place. Part of his act is being mean or "telling it like it is" so that's probably why he came off as angry.

I've seen almost all the hosts, except for the 2 Richards, at the beginning of their runs and they all needed time to find a way to blend their own style and personality into the game show format...I say give him time.


It seems like he hates his job.


Yes Steve is the worst host. I think the best hosts were Richard Dawson, Richard Karn, Ray Combs, and John O Hurley.


NO! Steve Harvey is doing a great job at hosting Family Feud. He brings a comedy element that has been severly missing from the show. No longer does the host just keep quit when someone says a stupid answer. Dawson always made remarks that's why you see so many clips from this version in blooper shows. Same with Combs. How many clips do you see from 1999-2010? Not many.

If you Harvey haters want to see the worse host look at Louie Anderson's episodes. Louie is the worse host with Richard Karn right behind him at a close 2nd.


Karn wasn't bad at all. I actually liked him

And to the guy who said Dawson was bad, you've got to be kidding me! By far Dawson was the best one, not even close.


Steve looks like he doesn't want to be there at all. He spends way too much time acting pissed off while ridiculing a contestant's answer (while they egg him on in return). His hosting makes Karn's version watchable.



long live king karn! 

🎄Season's Greetings!🎁🎅🎄


Nope, we can't say that. I like him. Only thing is, he needs to get faster at reading the questions in the speed round, but he'll get better at that.


I always found him hilarious (Kings of Comedy). At first I thought he sucked but now watching it I crack up constantly. Just now I was watching and in the last round where just two people answer the same questions there was this question: Name something on guys that is larger now then when you were 16. She answered "penis." He just stopped and the look on his face was priceless. Of course the #1 answer was "stomach."


I could barely watch when O'hurley was hosting, he was so boring. Steve Harvey has me constantly laughing at his reactions to the answers. He actually makes it fun to watch. I don't see how so many people hate his hosting.


you got to be kidding me! Steve Harvey is the funniest and best host so far. The last host was horrible. Maybe he is too "ethnic" for you or you enjoy boring dry humor.


Steve Harvey's hilarious. I especially love his expressions and reactions to some of the answers the contestants give, and his reaction when a ridiculous answer is actually on the board (usually due to very lenient judges). Like when he asked "Name something a robber would hate to see when he broke into a house." The person who won the face off said with conviction, "NAKED GRANDMA!" It took a while for Steve to regain his composure and ask to see it on the board, but it was there, reworded as "occupant." That being said, my favorite host is Ray Combs. I spent my Summer vactions as a grade-schooler watching him host Family Feud.

Being inconsistent is better than being consistently bad.




As the guy who made the OP, I will admit Steve got better. I still don't consider him that good though.
