Texas Chainsaw Massacre Day of the Dead (coming soon- looks like the worst thing ever) Black Christmas When A Stranger Calls The Hills Have Eyes The Ring Ju-On The Wicker Man and thats only to name a few.
all that in the last several years. And now Shivers is being remade. This has to stop.
there have been several good remakes. John Carpenter's The Thing was a remake. So was The Fly. Dawn of the Dead '04 was nice. The Ring was superior to Ringu, but the Ring 2 sucked. The Hills Have Eyes was almost exactly alike, with only an extended ending that the original didn't bother filming.
i think that this movie needs a remake. its a great idea and having a larger budget for effects and whatnot would be great. I just hope they keep some of the dialogue, especially the good stuff toward the end - the same.
"The Hills Have Eyes was almost exactly alike, with only an extended ending that the original didn't bother filming."
WHAT?? The remake of Hills was almost exactly the same as the original? On what planet? Anything scary was taken out and replaced with gore and the hero is a completely hateful bastard in the remake. I was hoping he would die because he was such a disrespectful jerk! Not to attack you, sorry, but sheesh, how anyone can say they are almost exactly the same is nuts!
"And what would a note say, Dan? 'Cat dead, details later'?"
"In 1982, John Carpenter made a more faithful version of the story "Who Goes There?" under the remake-suggestive title The Thing. It was already well-known that Carpenter was a fan of the original film, as he included considerable footage from it in his own Halloween.
Certain elements of Carpenter's film were heavily suggested (including the "burning letters" opening titles) by this film. Also during The Thing, the characters make reference to a 'Norwegian' team that used thermite charges to clear the ice around the UFO, this is a direct reference to the team in the original film."
"-The Dawn of the Dead remake was a piece of s h i t"
Have you seen the original? What would you call that if you didn't know it was a Romero?
The Dawn remake was a good zombie movie. Nothing more, nothing less. The original was a cheap mess with awful acting and bad make-up. Random people from the streets. Slapped some blue powder on them and called them zombies. And don't get me started on the supposed "deep social commentary", of calling shoppers / consumers "zombies"...
Night was great, Day was good. Dawn has a good reputation... Just like Bladerunner, which managed to fool people like yourself into thinking a couple of old film noir clichés, wrapped in science fiction and some slow but fancy camerawork, makes it a masterpiece.
"-Ringu is FAR superior to The Ring"
Yes, because asian children are so scary! Just like shots of people with their mouths open!! So much more scary than people visibly twisted by pure fear!!! Because it's asian!!!!
Oh gawd, not this discussion again. Also, quoting from Wikipedia doesn't make it so either. Having watched the new 'The Thing' it's obvious it's a prequel. It ends where the older one begins. It's pretty obvious. It's the same damn dog!
I thought Slither was the remake, and done as a comedy it was in many ways a parody, giving some credence to the audience as to its ancestry.
But a real remake would be a long time (in movie viewers eyes), afterall, it is almost a generation since King Cronenberg gave us the worms in the bath scene - possibly the least offensive bit in the film.
I doubt the sequel will have the schoolgirl cavorting around, or carved up at the beginning......
No doubt, the biginning montage splitting the couple renting an apartment and the schoolgirl (who was portrayed as a 19 year old in the movie if I remember, so it wasn't some underage girl) being burned up was brilliant. Slither was more of an homage than anything...there were bits and pieces of it which were direct references (the obvious one being the bathtub scene) but overall the whole alien angle made it into a completely different film...plus it lacks the claustrophobia and speed at which everything happens in Shivers... :)
Are you joking? My god...I LOVE the Brood...of Cronenberg's work that was always my favorite, sort of his "magnum opus", the only way I could see it really working is if they hand the reins over to Cronenberg himself. Where'd you hear about the Brood being remade anyway? I'd be interested in checking it out.
Adjusted for inflation, this movie would cost 800K dollars US today. That's a pretty high *beep* budget for a director's early film wouldn't you agree? Still, unless the remake is Made For TV or direct to cable/video, it will have lots more dough involved and ruin the heck out of the kitchy/indie side. Still, I don't know but that Cronenberg would eschew indie-ness, to use a sad, made-up label that applies to music a lot more than film, imho.
YES.not-specifically.I actually find all of them rather weird.YES.footlong veggie-on-wheat.THANK-U
I guess the one good thing we'll all get out of it is that at least the original will FINALLY be re-released on DVD. Other than that, this whole thing just really sucks.
Actually, I would welcome a remake of this only because I found the acting not so great in some scenes. If it hadn't been for that I would love the film. But honestly, some of the acting just isn't good.