MovieChat Forums > One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) Discussion > The Chief killed McMurphy because he tho...

The Chief killed McMurphy because he thought McMurphy was ignoring him? nks-He-Is-Ignoring-Him/127837350692347


At first, I thought McMurphy was just playing one of his jokes and Chief is calling his bluff.



Even when I first watched it I knew why he did it. Like another poster said it was made pretty clear that Chief knew McMurphy was lobotomized. It took me a few times watching it to hear it but he says, "The monsters!" when he's hugging McMurphy's body indicating he knows exactly what they did to him.

1, 2 Freddy's coming for you. 3, 4 better lock your door.


The Chief killed Mac because he's a meat and potatoes man and he can't stand vegetables.



There is nothing, NaDa to come to the "Ignoring him" theory.

Chief - “McMurphy, why are you ignoring me?” I gave you a stick of gum.”
McMurphy - I’m not ignoring you, Chief. And so on and so forth.
