Even an overgrown Great White. A Shark would always choose the path of least resistance. With those men jabbing and shooting at it, the shark would say F it and go after an easy seal. It would NOT go relentlessly at the men, and to jump onto the boat, that was pure movie fantasy.
I don't have a problem with this as I put it down to the film's premise, that they are dealing with a) an unrealistically much larger shark than usual, and b) a shark that is acting more unrealistically intelligent and malevolent than usual, and that these locals are aware that this isn't the norm. If you look at it that way it works better, otherwise you end up too nitpicky.
Sure, I accept, if they had it behave as a shark would, it would be less dramatic and thus, no movie. Sure, it was a fun movie. Onto Jaws 2. Watching these old films in lockdown.
It wasn't meant to represent a real shark or sharks, it was meant to represent humans' deepest fear of dangerous things lurking deep in the ocean. The whole movie was meant to resurrect the primeval, instinctive fear of predators that's still deep in our ape brains.
It's like Bond Villains don't represent real criminals, you know?
The shark has no dialogue and little screen time, but he still becomes a fully realized character. What makes him so scary is that he DOESN’T act like a normal shark. His size makes him unique, but his actions make him unpredictable. In some ways he almost takes on a supernatural presence, much like Michael Myers would three years later.
well , they did tag it with the barrels early on to keep track of where it was ,
so if they were following the shark around , occasionally it would trun round and snap at them
wounded / trapped animals are more dangerous and unpredictable
"I don't know Chief. This shark is either really smart or he's really dumb."
Using Quint's own assessment of the situation, either Jaws was smart enough to realize that the Orca wasn't going anywhere, and he could sink it by lunging himself on it. Or he was dumb enough to continue attacking this one little boat that could kill him, rather than catching some easy dinner.
Along with his oversized body, perhaps it has an oversized brain, giving it more intelligence and problem solving skills. As well as an enlarged medulla oblongata making it more aggressive.