MovieChat Forums > La montaña sagrada (1975) Discussion > My 3 favourite films are this, 2001 + Er...

My 3 favourite films are this, 2001 + Eraserhead. Any reccomendations?

Anyone got any ideas for similar films? I really love the amazing, surreal imagery and the intense soundtracks of these 3 films. Anyone know anything i might like? Any language or rekease year, i dont mind

"Life is funny, but not ha ha funny"



as well as anything by:

David Lynch
Nicholas Winding Refn
David Cronenberg (mostly his older works)

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.


Definitely "Waking Life" and "Enter the Void"


Check out that 'top ten" list by -

..interesting that it does NOT contain any movies based on the works of Kurt Vonnegut jr. I guess that no one has done a worthy screenplay of a Vonnegut novel.


The list is small but always growing...

I may never follow up with anything I post.

My list:


Lots of great films recommended here. I'll throw in some of mine even if some are repeats of other suggestions:

1. Anything else Jodorowsky made. El Topo is considered his classic but I LOVE Santa Sangre. It's more plot driven than this, but no less visceral and bizarre. Actually Santa Sangre may be my favorite film of ever.

2. Takashi Miike, but I'd not do Ichi the Killer as it hasn't aged well. Instead I'd go for Gozu or Visitor Q. Visitor Q has some pretty seriously taboo things in it, but it's good on a symbolic level. Gozu is completely surreal but also very visceral. Both actually have some meaning. Visitor Q is a bit more easy to understand, Gozu uses humor, the grotesque, surrealism, and seems to have no point but it kind of does if you just let it wash over you like a dream.

3. If you are similar to me you might like Ken Russel's The Devils. It's based on the book by Aldous Huxley, which is in turn based on historic events. The movie has the same 70's vibe and darkness, a more straightforward plot, but no less symbolic, dark, and visually fascinating. You might even like his film Gothic. I thought Gothic sucked the first time I saw it, but then it kind of grew on me. The Devils is definitely a better film though, possibly his best IMO.

4. For great soundtracks there's a film, it's not the best film but it has the most amazing soundtrack... It's a Giallo film called the Beyond. On the topic of Giallo films, Argento but particularly Suspiria and Inferno. The soundtrack on Inferno is less impressive than Coil's 80's perfect soundtrack for Suspiria, but I have always liked the symbolism in Inferno better. I'd suggest going full force down the hole of Giallo films if you like Holy Mountain. While there are many that are superficial and dull, there's just some interesting stuff down in there.

5. Moon, actually, it's a bit more recent but the soundtrack is perfect for it and it's pretty interesting.

6. If you liked Twin Peaks, Fire Walk with Me. Also Mulholland Drive (That "crying" scene is worth the whole film for the song performance) and Lost Highway.

7. Jacob's Ladder of course, and Kwaidon. I know both have been recommended already. But how about Taxedermia. It doesn't get darker in imagery than this film but it's a very symbolic film with political meaning, and similarly critical of the same things that Holy Mountain is.

8. Solaris. Actually Tracker too. And Mirror. Check out Tarkovsky if you haven't. Mirror is one of my favorite films ever also, but it's one of those dream-like films. The music is great but one thing I like about it is that it is essentially like a very dark symphonic music video so you can almost just make your own soundtrack too. That's seriously a great film IMO.

9. Julia of the Spirits. It's the feminine story side of the more famous Fellini film. It's seriously underrated and very beautiful and surreal with great music too.

10. Hole. The Chinese one. This film is so great. Just watch if if you haven't and you like intense surreal films with interesting music and visuals.

11. You might like The Reflecting Skin but it's dark. Very good though.

12. Under the Skin. Also pretty underrated. I think they cut a lot out from the book, but IMO the film is still good.

There's so many many more. This is my favorite genre, I call it "sublime horror" because it isn't quite horror, it's kind of beautiful, but it's dark and brutal too.

Hope I threw in some that hadn't been recommended yet. Because I'm also looking for more films to watch :)


Despite this thread being made almost ten years ago, I'll recommend Ingmar Bergman's Hour of the Wolf. Excellent dark atmosphere, brilliant dialog and characters, and very surreal. It feels very Lynchian to me, and perhaps Lynch himself took inspiration from it. Just speculation, though.

Chaos is a laddah.
My Top 100:
