Coffy vs. Foxy Brown

This topic is probably up at the "Coffy" board but I'm here now so...
Coffy vs. Foxy Brown. In my humble opinion I think "Coffy" is a much better movie. Don't get me wrong. Jack Hill rocks and so does Grier but to me "Coffy" is way better than "Foxy Brown" for more reasons than one.

PS. Does anybody know if they're(imdb) sweeping out the discussion boards? Because

a) this topic is far over due for this films page and
b) I've noticed that alot of the boards I've been visiting are ridiculously short.



both are great butt coffy wins for me!

I'm not a lady I'm an anthropologist


Foxy is an easier movie to watch. It's got funnier scenes, it's a bit lighter in tone, etc. BUt I like Coffy a lot more. Pam Grier gave a top-notch performance in that film. The character of Coffy is more complex than that of Foxy Brown. She has more layers, more flaws, and she is stronger. (Foxy never kills many people, and those who she does kill, she gets help from that committee. BUt Coffy... She kills everyone. By herself.)

I give Coffy a 10 and Foxy an 8.

Who the hell moved my vagina? - Maw Maw

Formerly ChainsawQuartet.


Recently watched both for the first time back to back. Watched 'Coffy' and was a little ho hum at the start with the anticipation of seeing 'Foxy Brown', which I was thinking would be the better of the 2 as it appears to be the more popular—by the films end though, was quite wowed! After watching 'Foxy Brown' I felt a little let down—didn't feel it was as edgy or raw.

'Foxy Brown' is slicker and brighter in tone with some wonderful gaudy 70's fashions and may even be more violent with a stronger sexual undercurrent. I feel the violence and revenge aspect in 'Coffy' had more impact and was more disturbing—I go with 'COFFY'. I can see why Quentin Tarantino rates it as one of his favourite films.



100% agree

These are the first 2 blaxploitation and Pam Grier movies I have just watched back to back. I was going to watch Foxy Brown first because of name recognition but seeing Coffy was released earlier watched that first with no idea how related the films were.

The acting was pretty poor in this especially the villainous couple, the fight scenes were hopeless missing by miles compared to Coffy's party fight scene which looked real, and Pam looked WAY hotter in Coffy.. sexier outfits like the brown one.. at the end seated, legs apart, cleavage and shotgun <3 Also with a lot less makeup, in the car on the way to the first trick looked like a tranny.

Better film for this thread, if you have seen Foxy and not Coffy you need to see Coffy asap.


I always wonder how much money foxy brown made, at the box office? i think coffy made something like $2 million dollars?


Coffy for me. Just feels like there's more action in Coffy than Foxy. But both are Badass.

Ps if anyones interested i review Foxy Brown for my blog


I recently ordered both movies from after reading Pam's autobiography. Anywho, I watched Coffy first cos it rated higher on Rotten Tomatoes, lol. I liked Coffy cos it felt more heartfelt. I can only imagine how it must've felt back then to see a gorgeous, intelligent, Black woman on the silver screen kickin' a$$ and takin' names! But, after watching Foxy Brown, maaan, I had a new fave flick! Foxy just had that extra UMPH! It just felt like...more. Like a good sequel should (oh, but wait! This was intended as a sequel to Coffy, but they changed their minds in the 11th hour and it *wasn't* supposed to be a sequel. Anywho...) I really enjoy both movies, but Foxy's got the edge, IMHO.

"Fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing."


'Foxy Brown' seems bit better film.


Coffy is better in almost every aspect. Foxy Brown is funkin' good, but I feel like it wouldn't even be worth watching if it wasn't for Grier (not the case with Coffy - probably).

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


I felt Coffy was better.

Its that man again!!


Coffy is better! It had better acting, action, Pam Grier at her finest. It also has Marikyn Joi and Peaches Jones in it too!
