"People starving and living in poverty has much more to do with politics/bad governments and greediness then a lack of resources. "
The earlier poster didn't mention "lack of resources", only "overpopulation". And it is true, this planet is overpopulated.
If human beings only needed space to live, and not any other resources (and temperature wasn't a factor), then you could say we are not overpopulated, because you could easily put all humans in Australia, and have plenty of room and space for everyone to live comfortably.
So if you are really technical about it, and consider only the 'space', the planet isn't overpopulated - there is PLENTY of empty space in many countries. The thing is, those places are rather nasty places to live in, and not all people would be able to survive there, and of course food, shelter and water are difficult to arrange there.
Having said all that, you are sort of correct about your statement - except it's quite redundant to say 'bad governments' - as if there are GOOD governments on the planet. Government isn't good or bad, the same way fire isn't good or bad. But the thing about both is that they SUCK at being masters, although they can be very useful as servants.
It's not really the governments anyway - it's the small group of incredibly wealthy, greedy and evil (possibly demonic) people that have esoteric rituals about burning baby effigies every year (research Bohemian Grove and Moloch), belong to secret societies called 'freemasons', 'skulls&crossbones' (the same thing that SS members belonged to - look at the typical Nazi death cult symbol (cockade?) on their caps), own the banks and 'federal reserves' of the world, and most of the 'real wealth', as in land, gold, factories, ships, etc.
The whole military-industrial-complex can hardly be said to be just a normal part of a government. The 'black ops' are not official government projects, and so on.
The REAL problem is the stupidity of the people. Did YOU know that you are not a person, but you HAVE a person? And that it's not YOUR name in your credit card/driver's license (that you don't need, because it's optional), bank cards and official contracts - but your person's name? (That is almost always written with capital letters and so-called "surname" first)
More info about this: http://yourstrawman.com
Also, look for "Meet your Strawman" in youtube - a humorous, 5-minute, grayscale clip that explains the basics of how people have given their consent to being governed by something they really shouldn't have. And so on.
You are also right about there being enough food for all - there really is. Food-making methods, farming techniques and stuff like that has advanced far beyond what was probably even imaginable back in the '70s. Well, maybe 'imaginable' is too strong a word, but you get the point.
There is plenty of food - in fact, there is TOO MUCH of it. Like you have shown, there is also an enormous waste of it, but one thing you forgot to mention: they actually BURN the 'excessive' grain to get a better price for the rest of it - and they also let it rot in silos.
While at the same time, people are starving to death (literally) for the lack of grain.
As you can see, the problem is complex, and it involves everyone, from regular, western people, to corporations, to governments, to the people who control both governments and corporations (although we, the people, should be running the show - we clearly aren't, because we have signed that right away to get privileges from our servants!), it involves the military, it involves conspiracies, hiding of the truth, and everything.
Btw, someone questioned the pollution in the movie, by thinking that if there are no working factories, there can't be pollution. Like, 'where is the pollution coming from'.
Well, pollution isn't something that immediately goes away when you turn off the car/factory/whatever. It lingers. It stays in the air. If you pollute the air (too much), it will remain forever (until it's artificially cleansed or until the atmosphere collapses, the planet explodes or something) in the air. So the factories do not need to be producing MORE pollution every day - it's enough that they ONCE did that, for it to be polluted for the rest of the planet's lifespan (unless cleansed).
Just a sidenote that had nothing to do with the original point - I just wrote it because it has to do with this movie, and because I still just remembered it.