I love Star Trek, and I must say of the few episodes of this show I've seen the stories have actually been really good, surprising as I wasn't expecting much especially from 1970s animation, although the animation in this isn't bad. But from people who've seen more of this show and are more exposed to it,
1) Are the stories overall good enough to surpass the fact its animated? 2) In the long run, is this series that rewatchable or are the stories only good enough for one viewing?
At the time when it first aired it was the only "new" Trek being produced, so people tuned in. When we saw that it was animated there was mixed reaction and dissapointment.
It's pretty much an animated show to rope in kids to keep them interested in the show, so that they'd eventually grow up and watch the live action series.
It's why the stories are more juvenile or kid-friendly, so to speak.
I like it for some of the music, the more expansive stories that allowed some unique scenes and stories that otherwise would have been too expensive to shoot.
Things like the shot where Spock is looking at his home on Vulcan, and the background. And some of the other backgrounds and panoramic shots I think are worth seeing.
The stories are a bit of a mix of 1st season and 3rd season quality, tempered by the fact that it was essentially a "kid's" Star Trek show.
I think if you're a die hard fan, then it's worth it, but you need to watch it with a bit of a grain of salt. If you rewatch it yet one more time, you'll have to take note of the voice acting, because it is more kid friendly and somewhat stilted or setup to accommodate the series, stories and audience.
I also liked some of the music, particularly the main theme in the end credits.
You can see some of the stories are kind of "dumbed down" a bit and aimed more at kids. Of course the stories are shorter so they can't really go into too much depth anyway. Apparently the show wasn't that popular with children though.
The animation is weak, although some of the likenesses aren't bad. I remember watching this as a kid when it originally aired and being disappointed with the animation even then.
The only episode I didn't like was "Mudd's Passion", in which Nurse Chapel slips an aphrodisiac into Spock's drink. It was a sign the series had run its course.
I liked Beyond the Farthest Star for some of the animation sequences including the alien vessel. Decent story and no overriding message aimed at kids. But yes watch several in a row and on average see that the animation is fairly crude and sequences repeated. Not surprising as the Saturday morning schedule was not a money maker for the networks and the product more or less a gift. Also, an opportunity for companies to saturate bomb the air with commercials for cereal, clothing, and toys.