G rated? Are they insane?

I cant believe this movie is rated G. This could be your kids first horror film. Sure, there's no profanity but does that make it ok to rated it G? If this film can scare the crap out of an adult, imagine the nightmares your kids will have.



It was an effective movie, but it was only suggested horror. No one was killed and there was no blood or gore.


Yes, that is right. I did not think of it that way.

"Do All Things For God's Glory"-1 Corinthians 10:31
I try doing this with my posts



Judging by the amount of people posting about how much it freaked them out as a kid, I would agree that G is too tame of a rating. G is reserved for movies that you could theoretically let your kid watch on their own without any guidance, and no matter what age they are.
