G rated? Are they insane?

I cant believe this movie is rated G. This could be your kids first horror film. Sure, there's no profanity but does that make it ok to rated it G? If this film can scare the crap out of an adult, imagine the nightmares your kids will have.


I've seen WORSE in Disney Films... get off the soap box...



Also, we are talking about the early 70's. There wasn't much of a movie rating system anyway.


I'm 32 now and this appears to be the film that I sat with my father in the early 80's and watched.

If I remember right there were Godzilla movies air every Friday then they obviously had shown them all.

I sat with my dad and watched this and it's the first film to scare the crap out of me if I'm right in thinking I seen it before Jaws which was a terrifying movie for a child to have a UK PG rating.

I remember scenes where the creature harmed or provoked dogs outside the house, whilst inside there was I believe a person who was terrified and hid in a bathroom or cupboard.

Can anyone add to this/confirm I'm in the right ballpark?


Film depends on suggested horror rather than anything graphic.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


There is little on-screen violence (assault but no battery). And the only off-screen violence involves a cat, which is seen dead the next day.


I watched this in the theater with my parents when I was 5. I was scared poopless and can remember watching that movie very clearly, considering my age.

I sat with my legs folded into my chest, biting my nails while a group of teenagers behind us laughed and laughed at the movie. I kept turning around to look at them. "Why are they laughing at such a scary movie?" running through my head.


... and the poor cat wasn't killed by the Fouke Monster. It was "scared to death."

Sorry, I think a G-rating is appropriate in this case.


my Dad made me watch it when I was 4 or 5, scared the life out of me... Even to this day, I cannot watch this movie *shudder* I'm glad someone agrees with me, I thought I was the only one.

"A classic is a book that everyone praises, but no one reads." Mark Twain


yeah me too. I dont ever remember being that frightened ever


Plus you gotta remember, when this film was made (70's) the rating rules were MUCH more lax than they are now
(though honestly I've seen some PG13 films that I felt should be R as well as vice versa. It all depends on the person watching)


I think this kind of a scare, early on, is good for you. Kids today are so sheltered.

Those of us who grew up in the 60's and 70's were exposed to all kinds of terrors, and were the better for it.

§« El sueño de la razón produce monstruos. »§


Kids who grew up in the '60s and '70s are stronger today simply because they lived through those tumultuous decades. Of course, more parents actually did their jobs then and didn't depend on the MPAA to babysit their kids.

But a lot of films for grown-ups were rated G: the original "Airport" and Elvis' "Change of Habit" are two that come to mind immediately, and both had abortion subplots.



A G-rating is very odd. Any film in the horror category should be scaled up at least a little. PG would have been more sensible.
I'm not sure about the time this film came out, but ratings creep has been in effect for a while now. Midnight Cowboy was an X, but would be an R or even PG-13 today.
