MovieChat Forums > Joe Kidd (1972) Discussion > Eastwood eating a sandwich?

Eastwood eating a sandwich?

Something struck me funny when I seen Clint eating a sandwich in the movie. I had to look up the history of the sandwich and it states that sandwiches were not known in the U.S. until the 20th century when sliced white bread was invented. When do you think this movie was set for...1850?


its called a sandwich because it was first eaten by the Earl of Sandwich in England in the 1700s. One day he put a piece of meat between two slices of bread and the rest is history.


You also don't have to have pre sliced bread to make a sandwich. They certainly had knives then, I have actually sliced bread myself to make a sandwich.....imagine that.


Fresh uncut bread makes the best sandwich


Uncut bread? What do you do, take a leg of cow and stick it between two full loaves?



Uncut bread? What do you do, take a leg of cow and stick it between two full loaves?


Secret Message, HERE!--->CONGRATULATIONS!!! You've discovered the Secret Message!


lmao@xsquid ! . . . . BOOM !

That which does not Kill me makes me Stranger


A sandwich is also shown being eaten by a bank guard in "For A Few Dollars More". Pretty sure the sandwich here is a nod to the Dirty Harry scene. Come to think of it he also devours a hamburger in "Magnum Force" out at the airport. Eating is a tradition in a Clint Eastwood movie and bonus points for getting him to speak a line while chewing.


He is eating a Hot Dog in Dirty Harry. Not a sandwich like the one in Joe Kidd.


He is eating a Hot Dog in Dirty Harry. Not a sandwich like the one in Joe Kidd.
Still, however, the idea of these characters nonchalantly eating during a time when most of us would be in great distress adds a certain amount of charm to the characters. We want our movie heroes to be calm, cool, and under complete control. In that sense, I do see the similarities in the two scenes.

Of course the robbery scene in Dirty Harry is the more distressful situation, but Joe Kidd's defiance of the law (..."serving ten days"...) is accentuated by the fact that he's chowing down on a sandwich and enjoying a beer.


if you're gonna be one of those idiots that nit picks over every lil thing, at least know what your are talking about... if you think that no one had ever had a sandwich in america before sliced bread, just keep quiet so that you dont prove you are too stupid to breed


That seems harsh.


Way later than that. The date on one of the buildings read 1896 and the weapons were from the late 1800s.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


Sandwiches were eaten for supper sometimes during the Civil War.


Before sliced bread was produced, there was bread, and people had knives, with which to slice it. Not a stretch to see Clint eating a piece of meat between two slices of bread- it wasn't Wonder Bread, after all.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


I suppose sandwiches came into general use later than this movie is set but in watching reruns of Rawhide, Wishbone more than once told Favor that he would make sandwiches for the crew when they were in a hurry.

This movie may have had its shortcomings but it was great to see Clint Eastwood and Robert Duvall in a movie together and better seeing them as opponents.


Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were common in the Wild West soon after the Civil War, mostly among ex-Confederate cavalry officers.
