MovieChat Forums > Joe Kidd (1972) Discussion > Eastwood eating a sandwich?

Eastwood eating a sandwich?

Something struck me funny when I seen Clint eating a sandwich in the movie. I had to look up the history of the sandwich and it states that sandwiches were not known in the U.S. until the 20th century when sliced white bread was invented. When do you think this movie was set for...1850?


The movie appears to take place in the late 1890's, at the time of the Spanish-American War. Many of the weapons used in the movie were made after 1890.


He was indeed eating a sandwich.



Just found this on the web ... "In 1840, the sandwich was introduced to America by Elizabeth Leslie (1787-1858). In her "Directions for Cookery", she offers a recipe for ham sandwiches that she deemed them worthy to be a main dish." ... so it's possible.


althoug the sandwich may have been FORMALLY INTRODUCED at that time, i think that working people have ALWAYS wrapped a piece of meat in bread - sliced or torn off the loaf - so as to hold it more firmly and keep their fingers from getting as greasy.
Call it a sandwich or whatever-----
Spongebob is the Gomer Pyle of this century


Mexican, Spanish, or New Mexican influence?


Of course you are absolutely right 'billandbonnie' . I imagine that the Earl of Sandwich merely popularised it in high society .

That which does not Kill me makes me Stranger


The history of the sandwich or the introduction of pre-sliced bread is a 1900s industrial revolution milestone. Considering when the movie took place it is possible sliced bread, and the eventual sandwich, made it too the New Mexico town of Sinola.


Does pre-sliced bread mean factory sliced?

I ask because, in the same way that people almost certainly made DIY sandwiches before the Earl's famous card game, I'd assume they also cut bread with a knife too!


Town hall had a date of 1896 on it. So if it was built in 1896 I'd say it took place somewhere around 1900

Neural Clone


The lever action rifle used by Robert Duvall is a Savage: three possible models - the 1895, 1896 or 1899 models. I haven't seen the movie for a while but the Mauser pistol used in the movie is a C98 - from 1898. This places the action as taking place not earlier than 1898/9 and probably around 1900.

Plenty of time for a sandwich!


Good eye. It's a Savage 99. There are a lot of weapons featured which were made in the 1890s, including a "broomhandle" Mauser C96, a Winchester 1897 12 gauge, and a half dozen or so Winchester 1892 saddle ring carbines. At one point Kidd (Eastwood) uses a sporterized Ross Model 1910, first produced in (you guessed it) 1910. This may be a stand-in for another Ross rifle, in which case the film could be set as early as 1897, although the Savage would still push it to 1899.


But why did Joe Kidd only load 4 bullets into the empty revolver the priest gave him, when the others had (very kindly) left him with a full ammunition belt? And did the Mauser actually have such an accurate long range as is portrayed, when it was a side-arm (albeit large and heavy)?


So they only show 4 bullets being loaded...when you've seen one you've seen 'em all...

I read up about the Mauser which, according to Ian V. Hogg, with it's holster attached as a stock, could be fired reasonably accurately to around 200 metres, but it was likely only really effective at shorter ranges - as in under 100 metres.


It reminded me of the scene in Dirty Harry where he shoots the bank robber with a big bite of a sandwich in his mouth.



From the trivia bit, so it seems it was set about 1900-1910

"Writer Elmore Leonard certainly did know something about classic firearms. From Frank Harlan's Custom Savage 99 (1899), Olin Mingo's Remington-Keene sporter (1880) in .45-70, Lamarr Simms Mauser C-96 (1896) broomhandle and Joe's Cased Ross Rifle sporter model M-10 (1910) in .280 Ross. Leonard took special care to ensure all weapons (even the optics) were period accurate for that movie, being set in pre-statehood New Mexico territory (1912)"


The summary for the movie showing on AMC right now is:

"A land baron's gunman joins a rebel fighting for Spanish land grants in 1900 New Mexico."


The wanted poster for Luis Chama we see the sheriff posting after the failed posse hunt gives the date of issuance as "1902".


it may not have been called a sandwich but i'm sure people have eaten meat and bread for a long, long time.


Do you people not read the information before posting? It says in the trivia paragraph the movie is set in 1912. You don't have to click anywhere to see that. Hella sandwiches being eaten in 1912.
