was Chen Zhen gay for his master?
Seriously, if the two were of opposite genders, one would assume Chen Zhen was in love with his teacher, right?
Obviously, I'm being a little facetious here but really, who in their right mind would tell the love of their life that they're the second most important person in the world to them, next to their teacher? I get that in the east, students are taught to respect their teachers much more than in the west. But seriously, who would place their master in higher importance than the woman they love? I wonder how long has Chen Zhen been learning under this teacher. Are we sure there's no pedophilia undertones in this film?
Maybe all that violent rage and anger Chen Zhen feels is just an expression of his sexual frustration. He came back home hoping to play with his master's giant kung fu rod, only to have settle for his girl's tiny meteor hammers instead.