MovieChat Forums > Play Misty for Me (1971) Discussion > Will Smith to remake. Good choice?

Will Smith to remake. Good choice?

Not sure he would fit the role myself. Who would you choose?


No one should remake classic '60s and '70s movies ever. *beep* remakes SUCK.




Will Smith sorry I don't think so horrible choice....




God no, not will smith. Only casting that would be worse is his kid Jaden....

I'd agree Clooney would be a good fit, or maybe Mcohnagey....


How about Idris Elba?


Haven't seen any remakes of this film since the original post over eight years ago; glad it wasn't remade - there's not need to remake, just so they can "reach modern young audiences" by updating it with snarky remarks, cell phones, hip-hop, and Will Smith.


This remake is so NOT happening. Good! And no one likes Will Smith these days anyway!


I just stumbled on this decrepit thread. God forbid that anyone is stupid enough to remake a Clint movie, but, if that happened, the lead would be either Zendaya or The Rock. And it would bomb at Ishtar levels.
