Which out of three versions is best?
The Last Man Earth, The Omega Man, or I Am Legend?
Death Is The Road To awe...
The Last Man Earth, The Omega Man, or I Am Legend?
Death Is The Road To awe...
I like the three movies, but i choose I Am Legend, despite is not as close to the book as The Omega Man
Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.
I've only seen I am Legend and Omega Man but Omega man is by far the better of the two.
share1)Omega man
Usually the one you see 1st is the one that conpared to the others. The best part was the family, the reason is that was ahead of its time. Now you all these cults popping up all over the place and the members are always drinking the cool-aid. That's why it works for me, I could see it come to this and somebody like Mathias, who is one of them, saying this was there only hope. Mathias is like Rev. Jim Jones.
2) The last Man on Earth
I saw this one 2nd and the best thing in it is Vincent Price. He tones down his hammy acting and he does seem painfully alone. His eyes tell the whole story, they're aching.
3) I Am Legend
The best thing is the dog and the attachment he has to his pet. That was his last link to humanity and it gave him solace. You find comfort in where ever you locate it.
To be honest they are all fine movies in there own right and I believe there is no wrong answer, just a matter of taste and timing.
The Omega Man defiantly, Charlton Heston, they don't make em like that anymore.
The Omega Man is the best movie IMO. I love late sixties and seventies movies, especially if they star Chuck Heston. He's my favorite actor of that period.
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe..." - Roy Batty, Blade Runner
The Omega Man
Even though it is the least faithful to the book, it tells the themes and subject much better and more realistic than the others. It is also the best production b/c the CGI in I Am Legend looked too video gamey, esp. the mutants and of course The Last Man On Earth was an Italian quickie-cheapie. I really enjoyed the changes in OM that made the story more realistic and complex; cure for cancer, albino mutants instead of vampires is something that could actually happen.
Again, the neo-people in the versions of I Am Legend book and other adaptations are not something that was or is happening and is not scientifically realistic but fantasy. There was/is plenty of of cults in society and is a much better metaphor for a new society arising than vampires or mutants. It is actually socially relevant.
The soundtrack is awesomely funky jazz stuff, Heston has a hammy, but controlled sense of humor that comes across as realistic for someone isolated surrounded by enemies. The characteristics Neville has as a loner in OM are near brilliant IMO. The Caesar bust, the ultra-fortified fortress, the fact he leaves a window open to tease them in to firing at him so he can attack them, the shouting out in the open "Mathias!" defines his character as a confrontational man with nothing to lose. You might think why would he do that, but he is ready to get this war over with and bring them out no matter what it takes.
It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid. - The Stranger
Omega has a heightened sense of visual style which makes it memorable and enjoyable enough for repeat viewings, in spite of the bleak events it portrays. That doesn't mean that it's the most faithful adaptation, just the best to date because of its campy, operatic scope.
Last Man is also easy to like, because it demonstrates the same spare 1960s stylistic approach to black & white film making that would go on to make "Carnival of Souls" and "Night of the Living Dead" appealing. Additionally, Vincent Price's narration nods to the conventions of film noir, and, in doing so, brings the grit and gravitas of a hard-edged detective movie into the mix.
Legend, whose phony CGI aesthetic appears to have been designed with an eye toward the roll out an equally phony looking xbox game of the same name, comes in dead last. Out of 3 choices, it comes in 572nd.
And, of course, any work which headlines mugging one-note clown turned Serious ACK-tor Will Smith means that it's automatically doomed it to the bottom of the pile to begin with.
I also really love "Carnival of Souls" and "Night of the Living Dead"!
Probably goes along to explain why I like Last Man more than the others.
To be fair though, I find Omega Man alot easier to just put on. Definitely more re-watchable, as much as I really enjoy The Last Man On Earth!
Zagreus waits at the end of the world, For Zagreus is the end of the world.
i've seen two out of three and they were all bad.
I will give you a fourth title (which is not based on the Matheson novel) The Quiet Earth (1985). A pretty damn good film that focuses on man and skips mutant creatures of any kind. AT LAST!