
I am making this musical trend because I am thinking the reason this classic musical never appears on Moviechat is because so many of you hate Jews. I have seen the horrifying starements some of you have made on Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, and Harvey Weinstein.


This place is basically an offshoot of 4chan/8chan.


I am beginning to believe that might be true. I couldn't believe the idiocies posted on this board after vile racist murderer Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted.


Rittenhouse was the good guy and this is a great film.


Agree. Anyone who would make derogatory statements about fine moral men like Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, or Harvey Weinstein must be an anti-Semite.




You need to ask? REALY?

Strntz is one of very few remaining mature, educated and intelligent people is this cesspool.

And it is “sarcasm,” not “satire.”


Yes I asked. My sarcasm meter is broken on this website. I base my reactions to posts on the content, not the poster. So you don't need to be offended when I don't recognize the name of a person writing a short "literary work".

That said, I'm glad that there is not another person here glorifying Polanski, Allen or Weinstein.


I'm not here to defend Roman Polanski. He has enough Hollywood/film pals doing that already. But considering the crimes of some other folks who escaped punishment, his is hardly the crime of the century.

Again, not to defend him, but I have always held a soft spot for Roman Polanski because of the agony he went through in his personal life. He lost not one, but TWO families to horrific violence. First his mother, sister and unborn sibling while he was still a child. Then he lost his wife, unborn son and friends to more violence.

If I had suffered the violence he did, I might have ended up institutionalized.


Drugging and raping a child deserves prison time, no matter who you are.


It was decades ago.He settled with her out of court.So let's drop it!


No way. if the courts had taken a harder stance on child rapists decades ago, perhaps things might be better now. It is never too late for justice as long as the perps are still alive.

Why are you so pro-rape anyway?


I am not.I.just don't think they should still be pursuing the. Case as the original victim doesn't want to.


Urging that an admitted rapist should not pay for their crime is being pro-rape. It is not up the victim. So you think that if a victim is so traumatized that they do not want to press charges, then the rapist should go free?


Don't victims have the right to forgive?


[–] marktayloruk (2440) 2 days ago
It was decades ago.He settled with her out of court.So let's drop it!

[–] marktayloruk (2440) a day ago
I am not.I.just don't think they should still be pursuing the. Case as the original victim doesn't want to.

[–] marktayloruk (2440) an hour ago
Don't victims have the right to forgive?

A victim has the right to forgive. A victim does not have the right to dictate how a prosecuting attorney prosecutes rapists. If a rapist is allowed to remain free because their victims are too traumatized to testify, then this just makes them (and you) more bold.

The victim can refuse to cooperate, but if there is enough evidence, such as a confession or other statements from the rapist, then the victim's cooperation is not needed.

What if, in addition to the drugging/rape/sodomy of this 13 year old victim, he had also killed her? Would you also argue that Polanski should go free because the victim is not cooperating? I think you would do so.

Polanski has been accused of multiple rapes in the past. If he had been put away for a suitable amount of time, other possible victims might have been kept out of harms way.

Why are you fighting so hard for a rapist like Polanski to stay free? It is like you think rape is a victimless crime. Or do you think the real victim is the rapist?

You are being very evasive where it comes to answering simple questions.


I hold no brief for.Polanski but just find prosecution for something that happened decades ago distasteful.


Interesting. Why don't you find rape distasteful instead?


I do.


[–] marktayloruk (2443) 17 hours ago
I hold no brief for.Polanski but just find prosecution for something that happened decades ago distasteful.

Where do you draw the line on child rapists? How long is too long to prosecute them?
I think you favor protecting a rapist like Polanski over protecting children.


No, the reason why this movie is never mentioned is, that it is not relevant, it is also a rather trashy movie with 1 catchy children's song. Not anti anything.


Not relevant? That doesn't even mean anything.


It means, not relevant. Which is something, not nothing, relatively speaking.
If i were a rich man lalalalaaaa LOL
