I hated this movie

i am a big fan of Woody Allen movies and his comedies, but i couldn't stand Bananas. Aside from a few excellent scenes (like when the the leader of the rebels is addressing the crowd from the balcony)i thought it was really sloppy. the whole thing seemed really cut and paste and amateur. does anyone else feel the same way?


From the film's editor, Ralph Rosenblum, "Bananas was a better film than Take the Money, (and Run...technically second second movie Allen directed)but it was still unstructured and frenetic without much refinement of plot."

The large print giveth and the small print taketh away.


It has not dated well. It is a 40 year old movie, at the time it was very rebellious and experimental, this was pre Airplane, pre Monty Python (before they were mainstream). pre Saturday Night Live. In that context it is very fresh and new. Viewed today it seems stale. But thats what happens when you pioneer.



jessecumming; Obviously, you're entitled to your opinion. But did you notice the movie was made in 1971? This is one of Allen's first movies, so he didn't have the money to spend like he has had recently; thus the production is not going to be the quality then that it is now. Since comedy is subjective, what you like I may not like and vice versa, I won't ask you if you thought any scenes were funny. Personally, much of this movie is very funny to me. I really liked the J.Edgar Hoover scene.
