How can someone like this movie?
It has a good beginning but becomes a little annoying as the film progresses. It makes me furious to remember I spent money on this movie.
shareIt has a good beginning but becomes a little annoying as the film progresses. It makes me furious to remember I spent money on this movie.
sharedefinitely a "second tier" John Wayne film, but better than some seem to think. Remember, "The worst episode of 'Star Trek' is better than the best episode of 'Lost in Space'". That might explain how JW fans see this film- not the top of the line Duke, but better than no Duke at all.
"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's living!!!"
Augustus McCrae
People can get really REALLY angry when you express a dislike for any John Wayne films. Even if you're obviously stating an opinion in a non-agressive, felt like talkin' kind of way. When I first started this discussion I honestly wasn't trying to start any bloodshed.
Just wondered if anyone else felt it was a huge let-down.
"You shouldn't bury bodies whenever you find makes people suspicious."
"Flaggin' the train to Tuscaloosa..."
NotAwake, sorry how you were tag teamed for a honest opinion. I detected no animosity to the Duke or his films in general, other than you just did not care for this one. I am watching it now with twenty minutes to go. I also have fond childhood memories of this movie. However, many years later (today) I am with you on this one, its not very good. I also think you and I have just as much right to say so, as does one have to say he likes it.
Now if we were talking about Rio Bravo, The Searchers, The Sons of Katie Elder, The Shootist and last but not least Red River I would be one of the first to say, these are some of the best westerns ever made !
I respect your opinion, but like many others, I found this film enjoyable. I enjoy just about all of The Duke's films, though several do have similar themes. I didn't find the acting of the females that bad; I though it was fine for the film.
JW usually has a good supporting cast around him & to me, this film was no exception. It was made for entertainment, & I sure received my money's worth.
Mike Henry made a good villain, too bad he did all three of those "Smokey & The Bandit" films...he should have tried to do more villainous turns. Jack Elam was a scene "stealer" as well.
I enjoy most of The Duke's later films; he showed his age in these films & most of them he threw in personal touches.
OP,I respect your opinion but I really like it.It's inferior to Rio Bravo and El Dorado for me though which it borrows it's plot elements from but there's so much I like.The Duke even when he was a little older and fatter,still had that towering presence.Jack Elam is good.The women while not the best actresses are hot lol.It's got some good humour and action.The final sequence is brilliantly executed with the hostage trade off and subsequent shootout in the windswept town.I really like how it avoids the usual cliché of The Duke getting the main man and it was one of his victims taking her revenge.And it has a great score by Jerry Goldmsmith.
- - -
Fill your hand you son of a bitch!
I have no problem with the O.P's opinion, especially because he had no axe to grind against Wayne. RIO LOBO does seem uninspired, with only Wayne and Jack Elam breathing much life into the film. But I'd sooner see this one than CAHILL, UNITED STATES MARSHALL, where Duke is phoning it in.
shareI disagree with the OP strongly, but all the reasons I like it have already been stated so I won't be too repetitive. Not the best Duke or Hawks movie, but still better than most of the stuff coming out today.
Courage is being scared to death- and saddling up anyway