OP, it happens to be one of my favorite films. I think it might be Hoffman's best performance. I cite it to my middle school theatre arts students as one of the greatest examples of acting, and encourage them to view it if they get a chance.
It is a fact. from my experience, that young people generally don't like old movies. Every year, before I show my kids some Chaplin or Keaton, I go through a long explanation on the technology available at the time and ask the kids to give this 15-20 minute flick a chance before they denounce it as boring. The denunciation, before I figured out that I needed to prepare them for it, usually was stated before the credits had passed. Being old, mid-50's, and dealing with 12-14 year-olds I realize that these kids have grown up in a different world than I did and their expectations of filmic quality is much different than mine. I like explosions and wild sfx too but I feel that too often these elements are substituted for good story-telling, quality acting, subtlety, or genuine humor.
I'm curious, you have stated a few times that you like old movies. If it's not an imposition would you mind listing a few "old" films that you do like.
As I said earlier, I love this movie, but I realize that part of that comes from the time of my life when I first saw it and also what was going on in the world at the time it was made.