This is one of the best threads that I have ever read here at IMDb. I am impressed with the way that many people have been willing to share their feelings, so I now want to contribute here, too.
The first time I saw "Five Easy Pieces," it was 1970 and I had been out of college for 4 years. I was working in the arts as a teacher and was newly married to a man like Bobby, in that he was never able to achieve what his upwardly-mobile parents had expected of him. My husband was not as openly angry and volatile as Bobby; he was more withdrawn but still was unable to find his path, so I felt great empathy toward him. Back at that time I found both Bobby and my husband very attractive and appealing, so I was sure that my outgoing personality was just what they both needed! Now I can see that I was very Rayette-needy at that time, but I definitely didn't recognize it then. In fact, I couldn't stand Rayette in this movie when I first saw it.
Perhaps I viewed it a time or two after 1970, but I watched it half-heartedly, not really liking it but still so attracted to Bobby ~~ again with the subconscious idea that I'd be the person who could help him find his way. That notion was taken to extremes in the late '70s/early '80s. After my divorce from my first husband, I dated a guy who came from a very wealthy family, looked a lot like a young Jack Nicholson, and treated me much like Bobby treated Rayette. This young man had a self-made millionaire father, two sisters who married multi-millionaires, and felt that he couldn't compete with any of them ~~ so I threw away four years of my life trying to help him realize his potential. He was mean and quite volatile, and for awhile I thought that I couldn't live without him.
But I never realized how those years of my life mirrored "Five Easy Pieces" until TCM showed it tonight and I watched it intently for the first time in many years. The scenes in the movie where Rayette showed up on the island suddenly reminded me of the times that I was invited to visit the wealthy family for special occasions ~~ then my date would ignore me the entire time that I was there. During this viewing I finally recognized the needy Rayette that I used to be, and also recognized the similarities between the character of Bobby and the guys that I was hopelessly addicted to when I was so much younger.
My present husband also came from a cultured and musical family, and we have musical and artistic interests in common, but there wasn't a big "wealth gap" or "education gap" between us. We met in 1983 and have been together ever since. He didn't become the professional musician that both of his parents were, but he is most definitely not like Bobby, and I am now more like Catherine emotionally than Rayette. So for those of you who think that feeling like Bobby or Rayette leads to a hopeless life, hang in there! Good changes can happen in anyone's life.