Here is how MTM show differed from reality
Need to post my thoughts before we can't post any more.
1. Episode where Lou puts Mary on probation and she ends up quitting because she didn't want to be on probation. When Mary came to the newsroom to have lunch with Murry, a new associate producer had been hired and was at Mary's old desk. Lou walks in and speaks to Mary and then heads to his office. Then Mary breaks down about wanting to come back to work. So Lou lets her come back and sends the new person to HR on an errand.
I wonder if Mary ever thought to herself if she hadn't had lunch with Murray AND said she wanted to come back that she would not have gotten to come back. Lou apparently was fine with the new person. If I had been Mary, I don't think I would have felt the same about Lou after that. In real life, she probably wouldn't have been able to come back because there would have been a lawsuit by the new person who was hired for that job and then abruptly moved somewhere else.
2. When Mary and Murray were "co-producers" it didn't work out so Lou made the decision to let Murray be the producer and Mary would go back to assistant producer. If Murray had not folded and said he didn't want it and that Mary could have it, Mary would end up going backwards and working for Murray. In real life, if Murray hadn't changed his mind, Mary would have probably ended up quitting. Also, that should have affected Mary's opinion again of Lou....knowing he put Murray above her.
Didn't seem like Lou thought as much of Mary and Mary did of him. I couldn't have gotten over those two things