MovieChat Forums > countryford
countryford (5)
I'll watch some tv. I only have over the air channels through my digital antenna. No cable for me. I also have a large library of dvds and vhs to watch. So I do watch a lot that way.
I loved her for that part. I wish they wouldn't have gotten divorced. I would have liked to have seen her appear on Lou Grant as well.
He was talking about her second apartment. The bathroom through the closet, was in her first apartment.
I would have to say no, that's not what he meant. MeTV and TVLand both like to cut scenes out so they can get more commercials in. Those are the two biggest offenders for doing that.
1. Mary screwed up. If I recall, she and Rhoda had been typing up obits the night before. By the time they were nearing the end, they were pretty tired and getting goofy. They made some jokes on the obits. Just so happens, one of the people with the obit jokes died. They pulled his obit just for Ted to read the comical obit. Mary messed up. Even though she was tired and joking around, it had negative actions. If Lou hadn't admired/like Mary as much as she did, he probably would have fired her, and probably rightfully so. Mary was upset that Lou put her on suspension. I think she overreacted. While being on suspension sucks, she could have been fired.
As far as the new associate producer is concerned, what did her contract say. Did it say she was hired as an associate producer or if they could move her? As someone who is just watching the show, we aren't able to see what the contract stated. If I remember correctly, Lou had Mary call HR and have them reassign the new person to another job. As long as it isn't going against her contract, not much she could do.
2. Lou was a smart guy. He knew if he would have picked Mary, Murray would have probably quit and Mary might have given in and let Murray take the spot. Or she may not have, then Murray would have quit and Lou would have been without a writer. Lou knew that if he picked Murray, Mary would have threatened to quit, which would have made Murray to decline it. He knew what he was doing and I think even Mary understood that. Its not that he was putting Murray above Mary, he just weighed the possible outcomes and decided this would have the best results.
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