MovieChat Forums > All My Children (1970) Discussion > Exactly when did you start watching this...

Exactly when did you start watching this show? What plot lines?

The tail end of Greg & Jenny, water ski death, The Steam Pit, Brooke and Tom, Brooke and Erica's brother, Benny and Donna, Tad and Hilary , Erica/Jeremy/Natalie.........the tail end of Cliff and Nina (I believe this was Nina version 2.0 ?), Edna Furguson and her daughter, Daisy Cortlandt, WHO KILLED ZACH GRAYSON !
I left off at Silver Kane -- I was bored with the show and moved on to OLTL instead.
And you ?

"In every dimension , there's another YOU!"


Well, my mom occasionally tuned into AMC if CBS soaps weren't showing anything she really wanted to see and I remember the mid 90's seeing the show but can't remember the storylines off hand, but I got into the show on my own after watching it off and on in 2002 in 2003 just before the Michael Cambias murder storyline. I watched it regularly until 2007 then just tuned in on my days off from school until it went off. It got rather boring towards the end.

Wish I could have seen the show more from the 1970's and early 80's when ABC daytime was Number 1!

My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather


I started watching early 1970 by accident as I wasnt a watcher of soaps at all back then. There was Tara Chuck and Phil. Phil going off to Viet Nam, taking their vows in an empty church, Chuck trying to help Tara get over the shock of hearing he was MIA. It just seemed so authentic with the story lines and characters being young.


I started watching AMC by accident too. There was a short-lived soap that came on (in 1970) right before it called A World Apart. I used to see Susan Sarandon do commercials in character for the show. She played a confused young woman.

"I'm Patrice Kahlman. No that's not true. I don't know who I am."

It intrgued me so I started watching when I had a day off from school. AMC followed it and I just left the channel on. In the summer of 1971, A World Apart was cancelled abruptly. So I just kept watching AMC. That was the height of the Phil/Tara/Chuck triangle. I got my girlfriends to watch it too and we were all hooked.

Erica, the young vixen/troublemaker was always so envious of her sister-in-law Tara. Erica was married to Tara's brother Jeff, the intern.

Erica couldn't stand her mother Mona's best friend Nick Davis who was married to Ann Tyler. Phoebe Tyler couldn't stand her son-in-law either!


May of 2007. When crystal started having tads baby and Adam freaked out and abandoned her and Colby ended up delivering the baby!




1988. When Erica was out to destroy Natalie Hunter and was trying to have a movie called "The Natalie Hunter Story" made. Bianca was a baby, and Erica was on her first marriage to Travis.

Palmer was married to Natalie, but she was fooling around with Ross or Jeremy, I forget which.

Skye was married to Tom and faking a coma. I can't remember why.

Adam also went to Appalachia around this time, and I think this resulted in Dixie's and Will's arrival in Pine Valley.


The Reverend story was an example of a soap shooting itself in the foot trying to have a shocking twist. They could have simply had him be someone who had killed someone drunken driving and Brooke might have gotten past it, but they had to have the shocking twist he was Laura's killer with plastic surgery so she did not recognize him. Of course the actor was about a foot taller than the original driver and aged about 15 years (the cop who ran over Laura was a peer of Cecily ). The audience could not buy that Brooke would ever forgive him (and they were right) so he was gone. Too bad, because I liked the actor and he had chemistry with Brooke.

I have no idea what they were thinking when they had Brooke be involved with a child pornographer -- who of course had happened to victimize Laura. Then they have her shoot him in the back and go on trial for murder claiming justifiable homicide.

Great actress great character, and perfect foil for Erica, but I am not sure she truly had a good story line after Edmund and the ill-advised marriage to Tad (which also seemed out of character, since she was smart enough to know Tad really loved Dixie and Brooke was at a point where she did to marry a man just because he was the father of her child).

So Brooke was involved with the revolving Piereces to dating the person who did pornos with her underage daughter Laura (and also murdered a plane full of people), to dating a reverend who had a complete face reconstruction so she could not recognize him as the person who killed her other daughter (whose name her adopted daughter shared making their initial story line have a bit of a creepy stalker feel to it). Later Laura the second was recast by an actress so bad, people cheered for Greenlee to toss her off a boat and they ended up writing her off as crazy.


Around 1997, I was 15 and my grandmom would always watch them and when I stayed with her over the summer, it just became a thing we did together. When I went back to school in the fall, she had to recap that day's episode for me when I got home. Even when I started working, I would call her every day and she would recap the story. When DVR started, she could save them for me to watch after.

the plot line I remember specifically was when Jillian first came along so the Ryan/Jillian storyline. It was the start of Vincent and Cameron's time on the show because I remember them being recognized as new comers during some award show.


I was 10 years old when in premiered, I have some fleeting memories of Tara and Brent. I would watch the show off-and-on throughout the 70s and into the 80s. Biggest crush was on Liza Colby (Marcy Walker). Favorite Erica Kane husband or lover was Mike Roy (Nicholas Surovy). I lost interest in the show not long after that, 1985 or so, but would read or see things about Erica (such as her having a daughter).
