MovieChat Forums > Midnight Cowboy (1969) Discussion > Things I learned from Midnight Cowboy

Things I learned from Midnight Cowboy

This is always fun. Keep adding to the thread, I'll start.

1. Most of the men in New York City are "tutti-fruities"
2. The two basic items to sustain life are sunshine and coconut juice.
3. Playing scribbage helps erectile dysfunction
4. Jesus likes prayers in water closets with blinking lights.
5. It costs 25 cents to watch TV in a New York hotel

(keep it going)


If you break the lock off a shoeshine stand and a cop sits there not knowing what you did, you better give him a quality shoe shine.

If you beat an old man up in a hotel room, better rip out the phone.

Joe needed to see a psychologist BIG TIME!


Polish salami hangs in the deli, not in the movie theater aisle


Joe needed to see a psychologist BIG TIME!

I love Joe buck. But I don't think he was intelligent enough or articulate or had enough self-awareness to benefit from therapy. It is possible he would always be a lost soul.


If you're an undertaker and you ever have to bury a shoe shine boy and can't get the polish cleaned off of his finger nails, just bury him with gloves.

You don't have to steal free food.

If you ever have to live in a condemned building, make sure it has running water.


There's an e in money.

The quality of TV programming in New York during 1969 was lousy!


If the food is free, then it's not stealing.


58. Morey needs new glasses.

59. Lingerie for dogs was popular on 1960s TV.

60. In the 1960s two people could take a bus from New York City to Florida for $56.18.

61. Men in New York City are all tutti fruttis: Towny, McDaniel, and all the Midnight Cowboys.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of Hollywood... (;-p)


62. Everyone's talkin' at me. I don't hear a word they're saying. I just made an appointment to get my hearing checked.

Black men and a whole lot of *beep* white men have had plenty fun adoring my ass!


63. A grungy homeless man gives good fashion/grooming advice and will even throw in a professional haircut using, apparently, the good scissors.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


64.Get the money firstso you don't end up living in a condemned building.
65 .if you see i a man sad on a bus sitting with with his dead best friend stare at him its helps him cope.

"It ain't easy bein cheezy"


66. I'm lonesome, so I'm a drunk.
67. I'm lonesome, so I'm a fornicator.
68. O'Daniel has heard it all, and he's sick to death with it.
69. Living in a penthouse will make a 27-year-old woman look like she's in her late 50s


70. ALWAYS check the payphones for change! (I actually started doing this regularly after seeing this movie in the 70's)
71. If you don't want your kid, just drop him off at mom's house.
72. Drunk WWII veterans love to sing on a bus.
73. Joe Buck is the ONLY ONE.

Keith Moon was the greatest 'Keith Moon Style' drummer ever!!


74. Joe Buck only gets carsick on boats.
75. It sure is a powerful mutha.
76. If you don't have an oil well, get one.
77. If you send cash to the radio preacher, he'll cure your tumor.
78. When people die on Greyhound buses the driver always tells the guy next them to close their eyes until they get to the final destination.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of Hollywood.. (;-p)


79. The people stuck behind Joe and Ratso on the bus are the unluckiest travelers ever. Unwashed sex, BO, phlegm, dirty feet, urine, and general illness stink for 31 hours.
80. If you can't walk in New York City, the cops and hospitals will immediately send you to Bellevue.
81 Even if you're freezing to death, never, under any circumstances, huddle together for warmth. It'll only upset the movie going public.
82. You can strip someone completely naked, clean them, and change their clothes on the back of a bus and no one will notice.
83. In 1969, a dollar's taxi fair could get you further than 30 feet.
84. Joe can't walk past a horse or a dog without saying hello.
85. All Manhattan ketchup bottles contain surprise feminization metaphors, so be careful. :)


79. The people stuck behind Joe and Ratso on the bus are the unluckiest travelers ever. Unwashed sex, BO, phlegm, dirty feet, urine, and general illness stink for 31 hours

Sounds like a typical Greyhound bus ride.

86. If you're standing outside a theater on 42nd street and a nerd with glasses come up to you, most likely he doesn't have any money.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of Hollywood... (;-p)


87: Cups!
88: Besides keeping your head warm, hair can also be tendrils, reaching into Outer Space, touching many stars.
89: NYC bartenders chew matches and don't no nothing, man.
90: The sewers are full of lowlifes that get their kicks picking on cripples.


91. Ratzo really knows the ropes.
92. Cassie is only 28 years old.
93. Joe's suitcase means a lot to him.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of Hollywood... (;-p)


If you're old and horny for a hustler, pay him..or wear poli-grip




If you're old and horny for a hustler, pay him..or wear poli-grip

95. When Joe Buck takes the place of an upscale escort he knows that all he has to do is grab the girl's butt, since he's so irresistible it works every time!

For who would bear the whips and scorns of Hollywood... (;-p)


80. Before there were McDonald's Happy Meals, children and mothers were happy to play with toy rubber rats at diners.


96. Look both ways before you cross the street
97. Grey rubber rats are fun toys for junkies


98. Cheap watches have sentimental, but not monetary, value.


99. Know that when you make a film , usually of high caliber, it will be over-analyzed and rewritten to the heights of madness.


I'm curious, you seem to be on the case of many here who have valid interpretations backed with written evidence, but you are on this thread, in general, all the time trying to dissuade those aspects. (I know you've brought up my "fascination with queer cinema", but if you'd look at my Letterboxd and throughout my Reddit contributions, I hardly ever bring it up outside of those 2-3 threads that were inspired by each other in the period of a month; in response to valid publications of LGBT films; it was on-topic). You seem hellbent on defending this movie against this interpretation (again, that we've supplied with viable evidence from the filmmakers), as well as giving you the reasons in the film that validate it even more.... so why are you so passionate about making sure this film isn't "gay"?

I don't want an argument. I'm just genuinely curious why years of your time have been put in saying "no", and why even Schlesinger, Hellman, Hoffman, and Salt all supplying confirmation of the queer element between Joe and Ratso is still denied with "I don't care what [they] say". 



Meanwhile...back to the thread...
100. NYC Police have a beat in movie theaters.
101. If you give/receive head in a theater, it may lead to a role on Seinfeld.

Keith Moon was the greatest 'Keith Moon Style' drummer ever!!


102. Townie just wants to have fun dammit.
103. If Ratso has money, it's sticky from slobber.
104. Hansel and Gretel's party invitation didn't say anything about Ratso.


105. The Statue of Liberty holds supper-shows


106. The Statue of Liberty is a true representation of all New Yorkers. I takes leaks in Central Park.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of Hollywood... (;-p)


107. Gary Cooper is Dead.
