I'm curious, you seem to be on the case of many here who have valid interpretations backed with written evidence, but you are on this thread, in general, all the time trying to dissuade those aspects. (I know you've brought up my "fascination with queer cinema", but if you'd look at my Letterboxd and throughout my Reddit contributions, I hardly ever bring it up outside of those 2-3 threads that were inspired by each other in the period of a month; in response to valid publications of LGBT films; it was on-topic). You seem hellbent on defending this movie against this interpretation (again, that we've supplied with viable evidence from the filmmakers), as well as giving you the reasons in the film that validate it even more.... so why are you so passionate about making sure this film isn't "gay"?
I don't want an argument. I'm just genuinely curious why years of your time have been put in saying "no", and why even Schlesinger, Hellman, Hoffman, and Salt all supplying confirmation of the queer element between Joe and Ratso is still denied with "I don't care what [they] say".