Someone should remake this

Excellent theme considering today's atmosphere.
Although state of the art for 1970, the computer technology
seems antiquated today. A little updating and this could fly again.



A trilogy that ought to be interesting. The Forbin Project has always been one of my favorites. I hope they do it right.


The problem with remakes is when they are done bad.
With a good director and script, i vote for remake.
... and making of the 2 sequels.
So... there will be "The Colossus Trilogy".


The author of "Colossus", L.E. Jones, wrote two sequels. "The Fall of Colossus" and "Colossus and the Crab" I suppose it could be updated for 2007 or '08 if Braeden and Clark would reprise thier roles. You could loose the leacherous rape sub-plot and replace it with the threat of Colossus replacing mankind with a more improved model (not cyborgs)and the aliens don't have to be Martians. Just a thought.

"Steal an ashtray from the White House."



Hollywood doesn't remake movies, they crap on the story and add some pretty lights.

What I'd like to see is a remake of this by a third party filmmaker, not associated with hollywood. Little to no story change, updated special effects, and a GOOD director like Peter Jackson and a remake might be good. Otherwise, I'll stick to the original. :P



My Cat's Breath Smells Like Pussy


Hey, here's a novel concept: how 'bout just appreciating a film for what it is, "warts and all," without making the knee-jerk reaction of calling for a re-make?

Granted, the computer technology in this film is woefully outdated.

But Hollywood already has it's eye on re-making everything under the sun without further encouragement.

Second novel concept: how 'bout demanding Hollywood come up with original ideas for films, rather than re-hashing what's already successfully worked before?



Agreed, Hollywood has done and redone remakes with little to add and usually ruined the overall project (see "planet of the apes") If they were to make the full D.F. Jones trilogy into a single movie that were about two and a half hours long they could give it the treatment it deserves. Lets face it Matrix was about Special FX as it was about substance. Without the technology in the story as well as the production the movie would have failed (thirty years ago). Terminator's Skynet was feeble compared to Jones' effort to put man in a bottle and make him examine himself (Read "The Fall of Colossus"). As Colossus tried to learn more about man, man learned more about himself. Excellent reading, thought provoking.


This excellent and intelligent film doesn't need a remake. It's fine the way it is.

Q: What's the biggest room in the world? A: The room for improvement.


I used to think a remake was called for but now, having just re-watched the movie, I'm inclined to agree that its better not to remake it. The way computers and other technology are depicted is, of course, dated, but it is surprising how little that distracts from the power of the film. It's a compelling storyline which moves at a terrific pace. The performances are terrific. Furthermore, if it was remade, I don't think the computer stuff could be made to be nearly as chilling. With computers being so ubiquitous now, it would be hard to make Colossus seem as imposing as in C:TFB. The idea of it being set in a mountain and the giant clattering displays and peripherals just work somehow. Even the hopelessly dated synthesized voice works perfectly.


wisely said...dale.

You'd also have the tempting way of super-sizing the dimensions of Colossus power - explosions bigger, and devestation shown on a grander scale (ala Michael Bay)

it was the dialogue, not necessarily the results.

i'm curious to see how the media(much larger) and the presidential caricature will react post-9/11

in light of the tremendous critical praise of Children of Men, Colossus remains an intriguing "what if?"

if Seven Samurai(!) is being remade, why not Colossus?

alas, we'll never know

Congrats, you're in luck. Ron Howard may be remaking it.

Come son of Jor-El, kneel before Zod!


Yes, Universal and Imagine Entertainment will remake this...
