For years now Christopher Lee has talked about doing a remake of this movie, with him playing the Duc de Richleau again as he is now closer to the right age to play the part. Who would you choose to play the main parts?
I reckon: De Richleau - Christopher Lee Simon Aron - Johnny Depp or Daniel Craig Rex Van Ryn - Viggo Mortenson Mocata - Ian McShane (with a bald head)
I wouldn't mind seeing Lee cast, but to play Mocata, not Richleau. Or, to make things extra bizarre, cast him to play both parts. Beyond that, though, I don't have anyone in mind for the other parts; frankly, it's better to go with lesser known/unknown actors than going with A list stars all the time.
Also, as an aside, should they do a remake, I hope they change the setting and atmosphere a bit; place the story in some pseudo-medieval time period, and add some Lovecraftian elements to the proceedings to spice the plot up a bit. Oh, also, no CGI, or at least as little of the stuff as possible; I can just imagine that giant spider realised through CG :shudder:
Standing there, on a road that leads to anywhere ...
A shame it wasn't remade when Lee was younger and Charles Gray was still alive. Both were perfectly cast and as CG aged he grew into the part of Mocata as I imagined him. The Hammer version is good if a little over-melodramatic and just watching it today I found it clunkier than I once thought. Better special effects of course would really add to the film.
"Remember, you have to make it home to get paid" (The Dogs of War)
With Satanic horror films being the trend nowadays (Devil's Due, Paranormal Activity franchise, The Lords of Salem, The Devil Inside, The Last Exorcism, etc.) and Hollywood certainly being no stranger to remakes the past 10 or so years I'm shocked this wasn't already remade. This movie is okay the way it is, but I think I would still see a remake out of curiosity.
Remake, yes. Just film Wheatley's story, as written. He specialised in plot twists where the chars are dumped into a new set of perils just when you think it's all over. The movie cut that. Maybe they needed to, for the time allotted, but modern audiences seem not to mind longer movies.
Also, we can get rid of that stupid tarantula. Use what actually appears in the book, and you will scare the pants off a lot of viewers. It would be more feaseable now, with CGI.