So everyone has a right to an opinion, huh?
Ask John Rocker that.
Rocker has a right to his opinion. I don't care for what he said, but he had the right to say it.
Ask Kramer from Seinfeld.
I guess fictional characters have whatever rights the author gives them.
Say that to Don Imus.
Imus has a right to his opinion. I don't see what's so hard to understand about that.
"But, those things they said were WRONG!"
A lot of things that a lot of people say are WRONG! People still have the right to say them. After all, if people aren't allowed to say things that are wrong, the question becomes: who gets to decide what is wrong?
But I don't agree with what Fonda did years ago.
You know, I'm not entirely happy with it myself. But she did have the right to express her opinion.
Freedom of Speech means any speech.
Damn right.
There are some things you can't say.
Why not? And please, let's leave fire and theaters out of it. We all get that one.
It doesn't make a difference if they are right or wrong.
Agreed, though for different reasons.
You can't have freedom without limits.
What is that supposed to mean? The more limits we have, the freer we are?
What if GI Jane had posed with the Nazi's?
What if she had? It would have been wrong, and she has the right to be wrong.
Where would the excuses be? "Well, all war is bad, so it wouldn't matter what side of the gun she was on".
Um, no. More like, "This war is supposed to be about preserving freedom. We can't preserve freedom in the rest of the world if we don't value it at home."
I guess that makes Bob Hope a criminal, huh?
In a world where you can be a criminal for speech, it might. Thankfully Hope didn't have to live in that world.
Anyone posing with troops is a bad person, eh?
I don't even know where that came from.
_____ subject comes up often enough.