MovieChat Forums > Barbarella (1968) Discussion > Thoughts on Jane Fonda

Thoughts on Jane Fonda

So what d'ya ll think about Jane Fonda? Just ONE thing from me: JANE DOES NOT HAVE TO REPENT one single bit about her halycon days against the Viet War....EVER!!! Peace and love to all. Comments welcome of course!

"I have seen and heard things in my life that are best left UNTOLD!"


Traitor, should live in N. Vietnam and eat rice the rest of her life. Tens of thousands of Americans were killed trying to give them a better life and she wanted them to stay a 3rd world nation.


Giving any opinion about this, in either direction, is asking for it, but I agree with dragster. But with one big qualifier. I think the most obvious thing that everyone associates with this - that image of her sitting behind the flak gun - was a big mistake. But - I'd feel the same way about someone sitting behind an American gun. She shouldn't have sat behind EITHER kind.


Jane herself has said that although she stands by her anti-war sentiments, she was young & naive (and probably being reactive against her very conservative father, just trying to get his attention probably), and was used in ways she did not think about at the time. And it was, and is, her right as an American to express opinions, whether or not they agree with the opinions of those in power.

That's the beauty of the American are still an American, with a right to a publicly-expressed opinion, even if your opinion is that you don't like the system.


What do you mean "that's the beauty of the American system" - free speech is a right in every democracy in the world.
Nothing exceptional about USA.


No, it's not. The UK and Canada is perfect examples. There are limits to their speech.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


Yea it IS exceptional of the US, or at least it was for a long time. USA was also the first. Get the hell over it.


You can have your free speech in america as long as you can stay in jail.the goverment has taken all your precious rights in the name of a so-called "national security",which means the goverment got to protect a lot of billionaires pockets.


She was 34 years old! Young and naive? I don't think so. She was bordering on middle-age.


I think your living in a dream world if you think America is that liberal it's mentioned in it's anthem and quotes from various previous presidents/notoriety but in practise America is no different to any other 1st world country.
The only thing liberal about the US is guns.


Nine years late but WTF RU talking about "very conservative father"? Henry Fonda was very liberal.


She called for the execution of our soldiers. That gun photo was nothing compared that that.


Your comment is one of the most stupid and naive comments I've ever seen on the internet. Thousands of Americans didn't die trying to give the Vietnamese a better life. They died trying to break Communism, so that huge new markets could open up to American corporations. When rich and influential people see comments like yours, they probably roll on the floor laughing! You are a pawn! You accept what you are told and question nothing. The War Pigs know that a certain segment of society will always behave like you, and they have exploited people like you for centuries.
BTW - You don't happen to watch FoxNews regularly, do you?




Thank you.Well said...boy this sheep are blind...


That was their decision. Who were we to stick our noses in their business? Oh, that's right, we're the United States of America.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


``Traitor, should live in N. Vietnam and eat rice the rest of her life. Tens of thousands of Americans were killed trying to give them a better life and she wanted them to stay a 3rd world nation. ''

What a crock of *beep* The entire engagement was for control of mineral rights, fissile materials and more.


What mineral rights? We were there to stop Communist aggression. She was at best a fool and at worst a traitor.


The murders were being committed by your dumb ilk, she tried to stop them, i didn't like how she did it, but it was your side that were the piggish mass murderers, not hers. That was a civil war the US had AS USUAL zero business butting in, and many billion$ for military contracotr traitor scum.

"Trying to give them a better life"! Exactly the opposite, dumb *beep*

~ Native Angeleno


Tens of thousands of Americans were sent to the slaughterhouse by their own government. Oh, and 1-3 millions of Vietnamese were killed too, in a battle fought out over their heads.

I can't think of one good reason to not oppose such madness. Apart from that - Jane Fonda is an actress, if I see her in Barbarella (or whatever other movie) I don't care what party she votes for.


There is only one Vietnam. Loony Bins Johnston made the same mistake as De Gaulle.
A better life? A series of military dictatorships. Help was not wanted.

Vietnam is now a wealthy tourist magnet.



If she lives to be a hundred (God forbid!) she will always be Hanoi Jane.


"If she lives to be a hundred (God forbid!) she will always be Hanoi Jane."

Oh, the freakin' irony. I do hope you aren't a Christian saying things like that.....well, I guess with comments like that you most likely are

The capital J means I'm bout that life!


Except that religion has NOTHING to do it nor do you know what the person's religion is nor does being a Christian characterize those kind of thoughts anymore than being anything else does. Nitwit. Your comments reveal you to be as over the top as you believe people like that poster to be.



Yeah,and she gives a wet fart about your opinion...sheep.


Only to Tea Party flipdicks.


She was great in Barbarella, of course. That is a movie that couldn't be made today. Of course the remake will irrelevant and toothless and have nothing to do with the original, as most recent remakes. She was quite a looker back then; possessed a true beauty that was innocent even as she paraded around in a few threads of clothing. As for that dumb picture she posed for in Hanoi? Jesus, who gives a *beep* except for the "we should have nuked Vietnam" crowd.


She was hot and I did not agree with what she was doing siding with the North Vietnam at all. I am only going to be 40 here in March and do not remember her at all fighting against the war in Vietnam even though I heard about it. My father was a Vietnam veteran and I have a lot of respect for what he did for his country.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


It's not surprising you don't remember, considering you were born eight months after she went to North Viet Nam.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


Yes I was too young to remember what she did in Vietnam. So you are correct about that.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


(Barbarella) is a movie that couldn't be made today

But a sequel could.

I would love to drop some acid for the first time in my life and take a crack at writing one.

Now... who to caste as the great-grand-daughter Barbarella II?

Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! THIS IS THE WAR ROOM!


I know that war EITHER war is DEAD wrong, but what I see today is too much confusion fed by religion, old-time and new-time prejudice, ignorance, etc. Sometimes you have to go to extremes like Jane did to get your ideas thru....the Sons & Daughters of America did that BEFORE Jane......that's what I call TRUE AMERICANS!!:)

"I have seen and heard things in my life that are best left UNTOLD!"


Robert McNamara, the then US Secretary of Defense has publicly apologized for the lies that were told to get us into war with Vietnam. The gulf of Tonkin incident never happened. It was all a lie. McNamara wrote a book and was interviewed by NPR (National Public Radio), I think in 2003. The series of interviews became a documentary called “The Fog of War”.

I can’t recall the images of Hanoi Jane. But … looks like Jane’s heart was in the right place.

We lost thousands of Americans and killed many many thousands of people of Indochina – all based on a LIE!

Seems kinda like what’s happening now.

BTW my father served in Vietnam. He is suffering to this day from medical problems related to his service in Vietnam. He wasn’t shot, or pierced by anything. His injury is chemical related. It’ll be with him till he moves on from this existence.

God why can’t we learn from our past?



Ignorance is bliss, isn't it? "She was young', "I don't remember", "She was an American", "free speech", "our fault'. Wow, the excuses. Let me use some of those for another hot-button issue and see what you think. So everyone has a right to an opinion, huh? Ask John Rocker that. Ask Kramer from Seinfeld. Say that to Don Imus. "But, those things they said were WRONG!" Well, there you go. I don't agree with what they said either. But I don't agree with what Fonda did years ago. Freedom of Speech means any speech. But we don't have that here anyway. There are some things you can't say. It doesn't make a difference if they are right or wrong. You can't have freedom without limits. As history tells us, opinions on issues change over time, and each generation interprets events using said history. What if GI Jane had posed with the Nazi's? Where would the excuses be? "Well, all war is bad, so it wouldn't matter what side of the gun she was on". I guess that makes Bob Hope a criminal, huh? Anyone posing with troops is a bad person, eh?


So everyone has a right to an opinion, huh?
Ask John Rocker that.
Rocker has a right to his opinion. I don't care for what he said, but he had the right to say it.
Ask Kramer from Seinfeld.
I guess fictional characters have whatever rights the author gives them.
Say that to Don Imus.
Imus has a right to his opinion. I don't see what's so hard to understand about that.
"But, those things they said were WRONG!"
A lot of things that a lot of people say are WRONG! People still have the right to say them. After all, if people aren't allowed to say things that are wrong, the question becomes: who gets to decide what is wrong?
But I don't agree with what Fonda did years ago.
You know, I'm not entirely happy with it myself. But she did have the right to express her opinion.
Freedom of Speech means any speech.
Damn right.
There are some things you can't say.
Why not? And please, let's leave fire and theaters out of it. We all get that one.
It doesn't make a difference if they are right or wrong.
Agreed, though for different reasons.
You can't have freedom without limits.
What is that supposed to mean? The more limits we have, the freer we are?
What if GI Jane had posed with the Nazi's?
What if she had? It would have been wrong, and she has the right to be wrong.
Where would the excuses be? "Well, all war is bad, so it wouldn't matter what side of the gun she was on".
Um, no. More like, "This war is supposed to be about preserving freedom. We can't preserve freedom in the rest of the world if we don't value it at home."
I guess that makes Bob Hope a criminal, huh?
In a world where you can be a criminal for speech, it might. Thankfully Hope didn't have to live in that world.
Anyone posing with troops is a bad person, eh?
I don't even know where that came from.

The subject comes up often enough.


The Nazis? The Fascists? Didn't they (RIGHT WING MORONS!!!!) start all the WWars?....history is NO toy!!!

"I have seen and heard things in my life that are best left UNTOLD!"


In the U.S., as long as it's the truth, there are very few things you can't say.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


Workout? Who the hell cares about her's the wars and WAR MONGRELS like the right-wingers who started them that worry me the most....and the well-being of future generations!

"I have seen and heard things in my life that are best left UNTOLD!"


You know, one of the serious barriers to actually accomplishing anything in this country of a positive nature is the tendency of people with opposite opinions to START SCREAMING AS SOON AS SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH THEM apparently in the hope that their own volume will drown out the existence of a contradictory opinion.

I prefer thoughtful, open and non-pejorative dialogue; often by this route, you can find a way to 'meet in the middle' and actually get things done. It isn't perfect, but we can try again tomorrow, and every little step forward is one more towards our common goal of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all.

In closing, let me lay on you this joke from the end of the Indian/British colonial era:

"Two gentlemen in Delhi met at a cafe and had a discussion over breakfast. It was near the end of the British government's withdrawel from India, and the subject of politics came up. The men were of differing opinions on certain subjects, and the discussion became first loud and then heated, until one became so angry that he punched his companion in the nose.

"The sufferer clapped his hand to his bleeding face and said, 'My friend, you should not have done that: it was wrong.'

T"he puncher said, "We of India are now free, and so I may do whatever I like!"

But the first man replied, 'Oh, yes, my friend, we are each of us now free. But your freedom to swing your fist ends where my nose begins.'"

I try to remember this when someone else's opinion makes me so angry that I want to shout, scream or flame.


That should be be for excluded!

"I have seen and heard things in my life that are best left UNTOLD!"


Her politics were wack back then. She was young and stupid. Most of Hollywood is young and stupid, even today!

But she was definitely a hot babe in '68, wasn't she?



She was in her 30s by then. Stupid yes. Young no.



30 is young? Well ok compared to 80, I guess, but you are an adult by then and should know full well the implecations of your actions.
You are not really that ignorant, right? Just trolling?



30 is young? Well ok compared to 80, I guess, but you are an adult by then and should know full well the implecations of your actions.
You are not really that ignorant, right? Just trolling?

In the 1960s and early '70s 30 was more along the lines of moving into middle age. These days though it is very young.


Try compared to 50 and 40 too. There's no reason to have to go up as far as 80 to 'stretch' 30 into a young age. 60 is young compared to 80, jackass. 30 is just young, just as it yes, was also young in the 70s. It isn't child or barely legal young, but it also isn't middle age, meaning it is still a young adult. However, it isn't young enough to excuse the type of behaviors Jane has been accused of (though I'd have a hard time finding something like that forgivable from a 20 year old). But you can still make some mistakes as a properly grown adult that you grow to regret in even older age. Plenty of people do.


40? 50? Whatever... My world view has not shifted too much between 30 and 50. After about 21 age becomes irrelevant. You are by all measures of maturity an adult. The point being that she should have and, probably did understand the implications of her actions.

It would seem you have a soft spot for Hanoi Jane...


His last post was in 2008, but I will respond to one of his or her stupid posts on here because it is obvious they are very ignorant of history.

it's the wars and WAR MONGRELS like the right-wingers who started them that worry me the most....and the well-being of future generations!

Lets see who was president in 1965 when the conflict in Vietnam was escalated into the bloody and controversial war it became known for??? Democrat Lyndon B Johnson that's who. It was this that led to the American soldier deaths in Vietnam and the turmoil of the late '60s and is what led Johnson to become extremely unpopular and unable to run for a second term in '68. "Hey president Johnson how many kids did you kill today??"

Dumb *beep* you are dragster-2.


Thank you, bojoh-06.



Comments welcome?

Ok, she is a talentless pig and you are a troll.


I think Jane's a bit of a flake. Yes she was very controversial with her anti-viet nam stance but she just as enthusiatically embraced the Atlanta Braves and exercise videos. It seems she flits from one persona to another which makes her an excellent actress but a bit shallow in normal live. Also she's very very sexy especially in this movie. I've always loved her voice as well.
