MovieChat Forums > Playtime (1973) Discussion > If you have never smoked cannabis: Do it...

If you have never smoked cannabis: Do it for this film.

I saw this film on a big screen in 1080p when high on marijuana.


I could hardly breathe through the laughing fits. It was exhausting (in a good way). Please suspend your preconceptions and prejudices about potheads and stoner movies, and watch Play Time when stoned on a big screen, preferably 70mm in a cinema or at least 1080p on a big screen. You will not regret it.



I'm usually high at the movies. I can understand your experience.

What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.


Yup, I can sign that.
I dont know who wants to enhance a movie experience by pot but the thing is, the experience is a different one. Thats what its all about.
Experience smth only in one view is limiting yourself. Different angles will open more ways of sight and understanding.
If you dont do pot, thats ok, watch it with your best buddys and talk about it. Watch it with your family and talk about it. Watch it alone and reflect on it. Nothing is better or worse, its just different.


I agree that the film goes well with cannabis. I was sober when I first watched it but I am rewatching it right now on cannabis edibles and it’s a nice combo. I got the sense it would be before I even saw this post. 99% of the time I watch movies sober and listen to music when I use cannabis, but I had a feeling this would be a good one to 420.

It’s a vibe.
