MovieChat Forums > Grand Prix (1966) Discussion > DVD Edition PLEASE!!!!

DVD Edition PLEASE!!!!

This film is currently unavailable in the UK and only available on VHS in America. As the only movie featuring Formula 1 racing surely it is time to release it on DVD as it remains a cult among F1 afficianados. A few given away as prizes on ITV on race day and this will become a monster re-release


Grand Prix will be on DVD this fall from MGM


May I inquire as to your source and how reliable it is?
If true...I can't wait.
Bob T.


Warner Home video hold the rights to this movie but do not have enough requests to release it on DVD. You can add your name to the list here:


That is a link to an online petition to get this movie online. Everyone here should sign it.

Hyperlinked to advance the cause....

Bob T.

"Then repeat to yourself, It's just a show, I should really just relax..."


Signed the petition.

With the amount I've heard about this film, I feel silly for not having seen it, considering I am a racing driver.

I suppose the fact that I have never seen it in a video store would have something to do with this...


It was avalible on video in a two tape, widescreen can find copies on e-bay.
I've got a copy I treasure and only watch occasionally.

Bob T.

"Then repeat to yourself, It's just a show, I should really just relax..."


Well, Admiral, its an outstanding driving movie, but not so strong on story. Pretty much a 'B' movie, so never terribly popular or strongly promoted in the real world after its theatrical release. It's been on TV, but you had to be looking for it or just get lucky. It could easily escape notice. I don't know if LeMans has ever been on TV. If so, I've missed it, but Grand Prix and LeMans are the only two driving movies I know of that aren't just undercranked crash-o-rama's.

If you're a racing driver, I think you want to see it.


MUST be released on DVD if only to show what REAL racetracks used to look like.


It is interesting to note that this movie was released on DVD and then withdrawn before I could get my hands on it. Aaarrrggghh! It was seen on the shelf at Barnes & Noble in Columbus in 2004, but it disappeared and publisher's distribution lists show it as "not released." The bookseller at B&N looked it up for me. She remembered seeing it for sale and was surprised over the apparent historical revisionism.

I speculate that there may have been a copyright dispute which resulted in withdrawal of the DVD. If a movie is not available on DVD, it is likely that licensing is the problem, though, of course, other reasons are also possible. The 1980 science fiction movie _Lathe of Heaven_ was held up from distribution in any medium for 20 years over licensing of the Beatles song, "With a Little Help From My Friends," which is heard in the movie. I have no idea what the issue really was, but the movie was finally released on VHS with the original Beatles version replaced with a cover version.

Whatever the reason for the Grand Prix DVD's disappearance, I hope it is resolved soon. I have resorted to buying a VHS version which has not yet arrived. As I recall, the story itself is rather soap-opera'ish and kind of European in its pacing and mood, but the movie wins for its driving scenes, especially at Monaco, Brands Hatch, and Monza. If I remember, the other races are more weakly filmed and no driving is seen at Watkins Glen at all.


Here it is September 4th 2005 and still not DVD. Come on! This is the second greatest racing movie of all time. I like Steve McQueens Le Mans more. What is it with MGM or is Turner or is AOL f&%$ IT! What are you waiting for high definition? Yea I got the VCR but I'm trying to update all my movies to DVD. A "making of the movie" would be excellent as well.



how good quality is the laser disc?? anamorphic widescreen? any owners care to share thoughts on it....any special features? etc

i have a high res digital compressed copy of the widescreen remastered uncut film with special features from tmc on a replaytv box halfway across the country and plan on networking it to my comp and then cuttin it on a dvd* via my mac if i can ever physically get to it *(or better still the new dual layer dvd-r's)....i had heard the remaster for the tv was the same for the dvd release that never happened and was better than the laserdisc version...any truth to that? would it be better to get a digital copy from the ld instead?

also, any aid (to get footage, to digitize) in this pursuit to tide the appetite for the official dvd release would be greatly appreciated...


I just looked at the Turner Classic Movies site. They state this title is not available on Home Video, but you can vote for it. There are 2 (one is mine) votes right now. If as many people voted as signed the petition, it may get some attention.


I'm vote number 3!


Now You can find this film in Russia on DVD in Moscow or in St-Petersburg, digital full version - "Film Prestige" edition. Two others too :" Winning" and "Le Mans"
[email protected]


No sh!t!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you know if it's in English or dubbed into Russian?


Both versions exist: original in english, and russian. Look for oficial edition "Film Prestige" - red series.


I've had no luck with a search...


Looks like a nice DVD copy from the Laser Disc is showing up on ebay from a British seller:


Good news!! Just read the latest copy of Cinema Retro magazine, which has an extensive article on Grand Prix. According to them Warner Bros confirms a deluxe edition of the movie will be released 2006. No definite date as yet but definitely 2006.


Look at


Thank you very much. I wish I could read and understand Russian!


At this point in time "Grand Prix" has been released as a widescreen 2.35:1 5.1 sound Region 9 DVD! When is a region 1 DVD coming? Thank you for the links arina act.


Grand Prix
The USA; 1966; 182 minutes.
PAL; color
Region: ALL; DVD9 (two-layer)
The rolling certificate: 221208603Д from 01.09.2003
Collection " Races and Cinema "

The director: John Frankenhajmer
In roles: James Garner, Willows, Bryan Bedford, Antonio Sabato, Fransuaz Hard, Claude Dofen, the Page, Jack Watson, Donald, Jean Misho
Studio: MGM
Format: 2.35:1 - wide-screen the version
Sound: Russian Dolby Digital 5.1
English Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo

Subtitles: Russian
Bonuses: an advertising roller, filmographies, documentary film
Enters into the complete set: " Races and cinema ". The gift complete set

3 premiums Oscar, 2 nominations on Golden Globe. A nomination on the premium of Guild of the American directors.

The founder " the candidate " (1962) and " Seven days in May " (1964), John Frankenhajmer (1930-2002), has removed(has taken off) the best picture about the world " Formulas 1 ", at once received the cult status among fans. For the greater effect at shootings autoraces has divided(shared) the screen into fragments, having established chambers on machines to remove in several centimeters from a track. For work above the film involving the spectator in filled speed and passions the world of motor racing, brilliant actors of Willows (1921-1991), James Garner (a sort have been invited. 1928) and (1920-1997)."

The above is a WWW translation of the website arina act provided. I'm half tempted to buy this if I were sure this disc would play on my machine.

Any thoughts, opinions etc?


The DVD is not coded: PAL system, ALL regions. I didn't any problems with it in France (zone 2)

You can tray to bay at internet-shop


Thank you. I don't speak or read Russian.
Is there an English version of the web site?


The Digital Bits is confirming today that Warner is releasing a two disc special edition of GRAND PRIX in 2006.


I just talked to my girlfriend, who is a merchandise planner for a major rental chain. She emailed her Warner rep, and it is confirmed. The title has a UPC and vendor code, but no release date. But it is happening!

Will you keep it down? I'm trying to do drugs!


It's about time. We finally got LeMans on DVD and will finally get Grand Prix.

The Doctor never loses.


This is fabulous news! And I would expect the street date to be sooner rather than later! The biggest thrill I've EVER gotten in the movies and it will finally be on DVD and a 2 Disc Special Edition at that!


Check out the latest issue of 'F1 Racing' magazine (That would be the March 2006 issue) and there is a sidebar article which states that a special edition DVD of the movie is to be released in September.


Damn, I hope this is true. I have been waiting forever for this movie to be released on DVD!!

The things you own end up owning you.


Excellent news!!!!
I have the widescreen two tape VHS version, but I only play it sparingly.

I hope the DVD has some good extras also, after all this wait.

Bob T.

"Then repeat to yourself, It's just a show, I should really just relax..."


Hi, they have a making of...dvd from the US available now, but some of the reviews for it seem pretty bad.


Don't waste your money unless you want to see poor Lorenzo Bandini burn up...
