MovieChat Forums > Batman: The Movie (1966) Discussion > OMG! The funniest scene EVER...

OMG! The funniest scene EVER...

I am watching the movie at this very moment, but i had to post this.

the funniest scene in this movie is definitely the elevator scene in the united world building, where batman read's the sign next to the "up" button in 7 different languages before he figured out that it's the "up" button... now that's comedy!


Funniest is when Batman gets pulled out of the ocean and has a shark on his thigh - loool
And needs 'anti-shark bat-spray' to get rid of it (lmao).

The ladder with the 'BAT LADDER' label was a laugh too.
And the instant dress lever down the fireman's pole. Rofl.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!


The scene(s) that always cracked us up were the shots of the Penguin submarine with the working flippers on the back propelling it along underwater. What a great detail!

The bomb sequence was also a classic. I'm old enough to remember when road crews used odd round black cannon-ball-like torches with open flames on them to mark construction zones after dark, and every time I saw one of those I would think of Batman's bomb. (With hindsight I can now hardly believe those things were perfectly normal in the 1960's. They really DID look exactly like lit bombs that might explode at any moment!)


(This post contains a spoiler)
I watched this with my kids yesterday & they were laughing at the bomb scene. My 8 year old daughter kept asking why there were so many nuns on the peer, I had no answer.
They also liked the Bat-bike with detachable sidecar.
My favourite bit is when Batman is on the Helicopter ladder and is grabbed by the Shark, then Batman calls for Robin to get the Shark repellent spray and pass it down to him. Cracks me up every time, why would a Helicopter carry Shark, Whale & Orca repellent sprays?
