MovieChat Forums > The Monkees (1966) Discussion > If you could show somebody *one* episode

If you could show somebody *one* episode

To try to get someone hooked on The Monkees, and want to see the all the episodes... which episode would you show them, and why?

I have a difficult time deciding this, but maybe "Find the Monkees" (aka "The Audition"), because I think it is one of the funniest, and has more of a plot than some others.

Peter: What did *I* do?
Mike: I don’t know, man, but don’t do it again!


Monkees On Tour or Frodis Caper.In fact I showed to mates Frodis and they laughed out loud. They werent massive fans at all.


Great choice :-) Monkees on Tour shows the guys "behind the scenes", and Frodis Caper is very funny :-)

Peter: What did *I* do?
Mike: I don’t know, man, but don’t do it again!


The Monkees Ala Mode


The Monkees Ala Mode

Yep; was gonna say that too.

And the gorgeous Patrice Wymore's in that episode too :)


My 4 year-old niece adores that episode. She especially loves when Davy takes his hair off😂


Having just watched Hillbilly Honeymoon, I have to say I love the episode. Some of the funniest lines I can remember.


That one's a riot. Whether or not they were sending up "The Beverly Hillbillies" is up for debate and there is some "homage" present... it still holds up wonderfully...

It's one of their last eps to have a laugh track as well...


"Monkee vs Machine".

While more season 2 episodes appeal to me, "Monkee vs Machine" tells a story well and holds up well as well.


Monkee vs Machine or I've Got a Little Song Here

Walt Miller. Am I right?


Thank you for all the great suggestions :-)

Peter: What did *I* do?
Mike: I don’t know, man, but don’t do it again!


I Was A 99 Pound Weakling was always my favorite, followed closely by Monkees Ala Mode (Rob Roy Fingerhead?!?!?!)

But if I'm starting someone on the show, I'll start with either Monkee Vs. Machine, I've Got A Little Song Here, or Monkees At The Movies (the whole DJ Bit just makes the show).


Monkees At The Movies IS a great episode, especially because "Davy Jones Sings" is a real record.


I also like "Find the Monkees" aka "The Audition" All three songs from that episode were written by Mike Nesmith. They were "Sweet Young Thing", "Papa Gene’s Blues" and "Mary, Mary".
