MovieChat Forums > The Sons of Katie Elder (1965) Discussion > I grew up liking John Wayne's movie, & t...

I grew up liking John Wayne's movie, & then I found the truth about him

We all know this country has had endless conflict with despicable greedy, power-driven desperados, and that sells a never ending story. And between romantic mythology, western mythology & manly mythology, I suppose there's little difference - it's all a bunch of phony role-playing and a bunch of hooey that preys on the clueless, unsuspecting, weak & fearful who like a scared, little boy, imagines too much like he's not enough to take care of himself, so instead he bullies & dominates others. Ah, the penis wars against each other is for wussies afraid to grow up. So these stories glorifying John Wayne, who weaseled out of military service (like other famous rich, elite politicians, & others), over-compensated his whole life by playing a macho American 'good guy' & reaping big fame & money the easy way & the tough way the rest of us did it through real blood, sweat & tears. It's all make-believe to make the rich richer, the powerful more powerful, the bad guys more bad & seemingly invincible. And that, unfortunately kills the rest of us & life itself. So I give this movie low marks for a stale story that perpetuates a tale that puts us into a dream state only to ultimately betray us & everything else. Enough of the same old, same old, corrupt entertainment that's not a game-changer. Sorry to bust your bubble, but all things don't last & a change is going to do us good.


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