remake casting

If there is ever a remake of this classic I have some ideas on who should be casted

1. Cat Ballou- Scarlett Johannson

2. Kid Shelleen/Tim Strawn- Johnny Depp

3. Clay-Ewan Mcgregor

4. Jed-Bill Moseley

5. Sir Harry Percibile-Tim Curry

I realize alot of people are sick of remakes but with this cast this one can work.
Johnny Depp is a chamelon type actor who can do comedy/evil/drama. He is perfect
for Shellen/Strawn. Scarlett Johannson is so beautiful and so right for Cat.
Any feedback on my casting suggestions?


Why would you want to remake a great movie???? That is what is wrong with leftywood now. They need to make movies about other things, not just re-hase great movies and screw them up like they have done so many times before.

It's sad to know that some people can't just be satisfied with a great movie, some movies should never have a squeal or be re-done.
