remake casting

If there is ever a remake of this classic I have some ideas on who should be casted

1. Cat Ballou- Scarlett Johannson

2. Kid Shelleen/Tim Strawn- Johnny Depp

3. Clay-Ewan Mcgregor

4. Jed-Bill Moseley

5. Sir Harry Percibile-Tim Curry

I realize alot of people are sick of remakes but with this cast this one can work.
Johnny Depp is a chamelon type actor who can do comedy/evil/drama. He is perfect
for Shellen/Strawn. Scarlett Johannson is so beautiful and so right for Cat.
Any feedback on my casting suggestions?




If there is ever a remake of this classic I have some ideas on who should be casted

1. Cat Ballou- Have to go with Reese W

2. Kid Shelleen/Tim Strawn- Paul Giamatti

3. Clay-MAthew Mcgonahey

4. Jed-Jason Lee

5. Sir Harry Percibile-Ricky Gervais


How about letting the overpaid hacks in Hollywood come up with something original for a change and leave the old classics alone?

Just once I'd like to see a fantasy remake cast that doesn't include Johnny Depp. He's completely wrong for this role and most of the ones he's mentioned for. He's a good actor, but not the only good one, and he can't play every type of role.

He's too short and slight, too young and not nearly tough enough. Even his voice is wrong.


OK, so we agree, no remake (see my post above for March 12, 2006).

I was just thinking, though. How about a sequel? 's still on the lam some forty years later, and there's only one bounty hunter can track 'er down.

Kate ("The Gambler") Muldoon, who says she's the fastest female in the West (an' fuggedabout Frankie Ballou's kid), has been spendin' these past forty years on the trail of The Cat, whenever she can find time from her bail bond business in South L.A.

And Cat, long ago abandoned by Clay Boone, has been hiding out in Beverly Hills under a fictitious name, living in a second-floor efficiency overtop the health food store she manages for The L.A. Women's Collective.

It's Kate versus The Cat!

Jane Fonda with Linda Evans.

And maybe Cat turns cougar on Kate? Could be a real gender-bender.



Scarlett Johansson is no doubt gorgeous, but I think her acting is overrated.

Also, I love Johnny Depp, but he is suggested for every remake or movie, he's good but there's others equally as good as him.


can't believe you guys are missing the obvious:

Kid Shalleen = Billy Bob Thornton.

Johnny Depp?! Come on, he's a good actor but his comedic timing is so-so at best. He plays quirky well enough, but laugh-out-loud? Fugghedaboudit!


I hope they never do it, but if they must, I'd cast Jeff Bridges as Kid Shalleen.


Thank you for starting this topic - I was just going to do the same.

I vote for Benicio del Toro as Kid Shelleen. Johnny Depp simply doesn't do it for me.




You people are eat up with that idiot Johnny Dead a zz. Get a real actor. Remember, Lee Marvin was NOT a comedian at the time, that is what made his performance so great. Jane Fonda was an idiot, she didn't even understand the scrip, how can you not understand her part.
Cat - Kate Beckinsale

Kid Vince Vaughn

after that who really cares about the others.
