This MUST be Remade

Why don't producers remake such a beautiful concept instead of struggling with zillions of gimmick scripts? I mean, this one is quite satisfactory ok, but today's tech would provide more entertaining visuality and the script could be improved and enriched in some ways.

My Movie List:


No. No remake.


"Don't remake good movies....remake the bad ones!"

What we need is a Hollywood that comes up with FRESH, NEW IDEAS! Not recycling someone else's past success to make a quick buck.

We need producers who are willing to take the risks to make movies that will inspire people 40 years from now, the same as Byron Haskin did with RCOM.


it's hard to get good writers. Most audiences today are interested in car chases, explosions, tons of CGI but don't really seem to care about quality writing. I remember reading an article a few years back about CGI and special effects and the movie "The Matrix". The author said that if all the CGI and special effects were taken out, there would be only 12 minutes of movie left. If this movie (RCOM)were remade, it would be rampant with CGI and the story would be cut to make room for them. Leave this movie alone please.


"The author said that if all the CGI and special effects were taken out, there would be only 12 minutes of movie left."

That is an absolutely spot-on observation.

It seems as if in today's movies, there are seldom any scenes of just two people talking to each other that last more than 30 seconds. It's as if the producers/directors/writers seem to think that's about the limit of the attention span of people in today's audiences.


With the increase of information re: Mars, this film has serious problems. From an early '60s point of view the science wasn't that clear on what Mars is like. Today, we know much more, like for instance his blood would boil in the extremely thin atmosphere of Mars. Unless we want a total fantasy film, like John Carter, we can't ignore the science. No remake.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae



This movie must be remade because it was made in '64 and we didn't know much about Mars at the time. Also movie making technologies have vastly improved since that time. And a much better and more realistic film can now be made.

"Gentlemen, This is a War Room, There's no fighting allowed in Here!"


It kinda sorta already has with Enemy Mine and the more recent Mission to Mars.


also, Ridley Scott's "The Martian" adaptation is coming


Another recent movie took at least one scene from RCOM.

Gravity. The George Clooney character opens the door of the space capsule...but after he's been dead awhile (the Sandra Bullock character is hallucinating).

It's similar to the Adam West scene in the cave in RCOM.


Why remake it? What's wrong with the original?



They already did. It was called "The Martian," with Matt Damon starring in it.


They did. It's called the Martian. Matt Damon could had benefited from a monkey sidekick.
