Oh-h-h, hi Larry!

It's been a while since I've seen this series, but I grew up with it, and I recall that Samantha seemed to get very few phone calls from anyone other than Larry Tate, and he called pretty often, and yet she always sounded surprised that it was him, LOL.


Well she has to be nice to Darren's boss.


Yep, Larry on the phone and Mrs. Kravitz at the door.


why is he always calling the house? Why not leave a message with the secretary at the office? Or an answering service (few people had answering machines back then).


Because it's a TV show! LOL I doubt if a lot of what went on at McMann and Tate was a truly accurate portrayal of the way an advertising business is run. I don't think the boss of such a business, Larry, would be in such constant contact with the wife of one of his executives.

And all that "entertaining clients" stuff...would you really drag your clients out to dinner in the suburbs all the time? Seems like you'd take them to a fancy restaurant. I hear that Manhattan has several! ha! But Larry's contact with Sam was usually a chance for hm to almost witness some magic.


She was a beautiful woman.


I think Larry suspected Samantha had something to do with their successes--but did not know what it was. And since he was not government/law he was happy as long as his company made money off of it and did not investigate further.

If they had done the Bewitched movie right, Larry would finally find out--and tell the Stephen's that he did not care what they were. Endora (who did have a crush on Larry bc he had power) would admit there are some mortal men she likes after all.


I think that Larry had an interest in Sam that goes beyond a professional boss-employee's wife interaction. Something that could not be directly said on a 1960's family sitcom.


It would seem that way. I recall the episode where Serena subbed for Sam without Darrin knowing it. He called Larry over to discuss his marriage since "Sam" was being so mean to him.

Larry agreed to talk to "Sam" alone and Serena really came on to him. She flirted like crazy and Larry didn't really do anything to fend off her advances.
