MovieChat Forums > Lilies of the Field (1963) Discussion > Did Poitier do his own singing?

Did Poitier do his own singing?

The scenes where he sings with the nuns looked dubbed. I was curious if he did his own singing or if another person's voice was recorded over his. Either way, the voice was extraordinary. I could listen to it all day.


I understand the singing was dubbed in by Jester Hairston, who wrote the song (and many other Spirituals). I can't recall any movies where Poitier did any singing, but he has such a pleasant speaking voice you would think he would probably be a good singer, but you never know-- maybe they found out he couldn't carry a tune or something!


In the Trivia section Poitier admits to being tone deaf and couldn't carry a tune in a bucket


Sidney singing or being dubbed - who cares? This is a truly uplifting movie!
