Favorite lines from this movie (everybody play along!)

I love flicks that are heavily quotable, and Dr. Strangelove is definitely one of them! Here's a couple of my favorite lines from the movie:

Pres. Merkley: "Do you think I'm just calling you to say hello, Dmitri?....Of course I like talking to you, Dimitri, of course I like saying hello...Not just now, but anytime!"

Major Kong: "(listing items in survival kit, pills, money, etc) Shoot, a fella could have a good time in Vegas with all that stuff!"

Pres. Merklye: "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here this is the WAR ROOM!"

And the topper of it all:

Dr. Strangelove: "MEIN FUHRER! I CAN WALK!"

Keep the thread going, give us some quotes!


It's not even a line of dialog. It's Just General Ripper pulling a machine gun out of a bag of golf clubs. It's wedged in a little and he has to yank at it to get it out. Hilarious.

Timmie, if you don't bring that rocketship back this instant, you'll get the spanking of your life!



Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the war room!


"Gentlemen you can't fight in here this is the war room"

"I will not go down as the greatest mass murderer since Adolf Hitler"


Gentleman you can't fight here this is the war room.

I will not go down as the greatest mass murderer since Adolf Hitler
